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Detecting and Understanding Mobile Proxy Networks

This site provides data and code related to our research on mobile proxy networks. Please cite the following paper when using our data or code in your research 😄 .

  title={Your Phone is My Proxy: Detecting and Understanding Mobile Proxy Networks},
  author={Mi, Xianghang and Tang, Siyuan and Li, Zhengyi and Liao, Xiaojing, and Qian, Feng and Wang, Xiaofeng},

We are working hard to prepare datasets for release and the timeline is as below.

Category Planned Release Date
Research Dataset Dec 2020
Research Code Feb 2021

Free free to contact the corresponding author through email for any questions.


Name Description Download
Proxy IPs 8-million proxy IPs as captured in our infiltration link
Proxy SDK Signatures The signatures of mobile proxy SDK, either high confidence or low confidence link
Android APKs (proxy programs) hash values as well as metadata of Android APKs serving as proxy programs link

Proxy IPs. As shown in the above table, each row in the released file is a proxy IP. If you are interested in more metadata such as timestamps when capturing proxy IPs as well as proxy providers to which a proxy IP belongs, please contact the corresponding author as denoted above.

Proxy SDK Signatures. SDK signature are grouped by proxy providers in separate signature files as listed in datasets/signatures. Each signature consists of several space-separated attributes: signature str, signature type (e.g., Android service name), and signature confidence (high or low). In our detection, only apks matched high-confidence signatures were counted.

Proxy Programs. final_proxy_apks.json lists the detected apks along with its metadata. Below shows an example along with comments.

    // The date when this apk was captured
    "date": null,
    // SHA256 hash value for the apk payload
    "id": "3b2bab7ad955d2a71a774e3d269fe6e868dad01ddd8a4c1ec2d4f3e3791214ac",
    // You can ignore this field since it is the unique name we used to store the apk locally 
    "name": "com.wGSTRegistrationfree_7921336_1980-01-01_1214ac.apk",
    // The corresponding Android app id
    "pkg_id": "com.wGSTRegistrationfree_7921336",
    // Providers from which this apk has integrated the respective proxy SDKs
    // An apk can integrate multiple proxy SDKs from different proxy providers
    "proxy_providers": [
    // Where this apk was downloaded from
    "sources": [

Source code

The script suite for running proxy apps as Docker containers are provided as a separate Github repository (https://github.com/ChaseSecurity/rpaas_emulator). However, one thing to note, as the Android SDKs keep evolving, this script suite are subject to minor changes so as to keep compatible with the latest Android SDK versions as well as apps developed upon these SDKs.