
A library for training and deploying machine learning models on Amazon SageMaker

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SageMaker Python SDK

SageMaker Python SDK is an open source library for training and deploying machine learning models on Amazon SageMaker.

With the SDK, you can train and deploy models using popular deep learning frameworks: Apache MXNet and TensorFlow. You can also train and deploy models with Amazon algorithms, these are scalable implementations of core machine learning algorithms that are optimized for SageMaker and GPU training. If you have your own algorithms built into SageMaker compatible Docker containers, you can train and host models using these as well.

For detailed API reference please go to: Read the Docs

Table of Contents

  1. Getting SageMaker Python SDK
  2. SageMaker Python SDK Overview
  3. MXNet SageMaker Estimators
  4. TensorFlow SageMaker Estimators
  5. AWS SageMaker Estimators
  6. BYO Docker Containers with SageMaker Estimators

Getting SageMaker Python SDK

SageMaker Python SDK is built to PyPI and can be installed with pip.

pip install sagemaker

You can install from source by cloning this repository and issuing a pip install command in the root directory of the repository.

git clone https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-python-sdk.git
python setup.py sdist
pip install dist/sagemaker-1.0.0.tar.gz

Supported Python versions

SageMaker Python SDK is tested on: * Python 2.7 * Python 3.5


SageMaker Python SDK is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. It is copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. The license is available at: http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/

Running tests

SageMaker Python SDK uses tox for running Python tests. You can run the tests by running tox:


Tests are defined in tests/ and includes unit and integ tests. If you just want to run unit tests, then you can issue:

tox tests/unit

To just run integ tests, issue the following command:

pytest tests/integ

You can also filter by individual test function names (usable with any of the previous commands):

pytest -k 'test_i_care_about'

Building Sphinx docs

cd into the doc directory and run:

make html

You can edit the templates for any of the pages in the docs by editing the .rst files in the "doc" directory and then running "make html" again.

SageMaker Python SDK Overview

SageMaker Python SDK provides several high-level abstractions for working with Amazon SageMaker. These are:

  • Estimators: Encapsulate training on SageMaker. Can be fit() to run training, then the resulting model deploy() ed to a SageMaker Endpoint.
  • Models: Encapsulate built ML models. Can be deploy() ed to a SageMaker Endpoint.
  • Predictors: Provide real-time inference and transformation using Python data-types against a SageMaker Endpoint.
  • Session: Provides a collection of convience methods for working with SageMaker resources.

Estimator and Model implementations for MXNet, TensorFlow, and Amazon ML algorithms are included. There's also an Estimator that runs SageMaker compatible custom Docker containers, allowing you to run your own ML algorithms via SageMaker Python SDK.

Later sections of this document explain how to use the different Estimators and Models. These are:

MXNet SageMaker Estimators

With MXNet Estimators, you can train and host MXNet models on Amazon SageMaker.

Training with MXNet

Training MXNet models using MXNet Estimators is a two-step process. First, you prepare your training script, then second, you run this on SageMaker via an MXNet Estimator. You should prepare your script in a separate source file than the notebook, terminal session, or source file you're using to submit the script to SageMaker via an MXNet Estimator.

Suppose that you already have an MXNet training script called mxnet-train.py. You can run this script in SageMaker as follows:

from sagemaker.mxnet import MXNet
mxnet_estimator = MXNet("mxnet-train.py", role="SageMakerRole", train_instance_type="ml.p2.xlarge", )

Where the s3 url is a path to your training data, within Amazon S3. The constructor keyword arguments define how SageMaker runs your training script and are discussed, in detail, in a later section.

In the following sections, we'll discuss how to prepare a training script for execution on SageMaker, then how to run that script on SageMaker using an MXNet Estimator.

Preparing the MXNet training script

Your MXNet training script must be a Python 2.7 or 3.5 compatible source file. The MXNet training script must contain a function train, which SageMaker invokes to run training. You can include other functions as well, but it must contain a train function.

When you run your script on SageMaker via the MXNet Estimator, SageMaker injects information about the training environment into your training function via Python keyword arguments. You can choose to take advantage of these by including them as keyword arguments in your train function. The full list of arguments is:

  • hyperparameters (dict[string,string]): The hyperparameters passed to SageMaker TrainingJob that runs your MXNet training script. You can use this to pass hyperparameters to your training script.
  • input_data_config (dict[string,dict]): The SageMaker TrainingJob InputDataConfig object, that's set when the SageMaker TrainingJob is created. This is discussed in more detail below.
  • channel_input_dirs (dict[string,string]): A collection of directories containing training data. When you run training, you can partition your training data into different logical "channels". Depending on your problem, some common channel ideas are: "train", "test", "evaluation" or "images',"labels".
  • output_data_dir (str): A directory where your training script can write data that will be moved to s3 after training is complete.
  • num_gpus (int): The number of GPU devices available on your training instance.
  • num_cpus (int): The number of CPU devices available on your training instance.
  • hosts (list[str]): The list of host names running in the SageMaker Training Job cluster.
  • current_host (str): The name of the host executing the script. When you use SageMaker for MXNet training, the script is run on each host in the cluster.

A training script that takes advantage of all arguments would have the following definition:

def train(hyperparameters, input_data_config, channel_input_dirs, output_data_dir,
          num_gpus, num_cpus, hosts, current_host):

You don't have to use all the arguments, arguments you don't care about can be ignored by including **kwargs.

# Only work with hyperparameters and num_gpus, ignore all other hyperparameters
def train(hyperparameters, num_gpus, **kwargs):

Note: Writing a training script that imports correctly When SageMaker runs your training script, it imports it as a Python module and then invokes train on the imported module. Consequently, you should not include any statements that won't execute successfully in SageMaker when your module is imported. For example, don't attempt to open any local files in top-level statements in your training script.

If you want to run your training script locally via the Python interpreter, look at using a ___name__ == '__main__' guard, discussed in more detail here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/419163/what-does-if-name-main-do .

Using MXNet and numpy

You can import both mxnet and numpy in your training script. When your script runs in SageMaker, it will run with access to MXNet version 0.12 and numpy version 1.12.0. For more information on the environment your script runs in, please see SageMaker MXNet Containers.

Running an MXNet training script in SageMaker

You run MXNet training scripts on SageMaker by creating MXNet Estimators. SageMaker training of your script is invoked when you call fit on an MXNet Estimator. The following code sample shows how you train a custom MXNet script "train.py".

mxnet_estimator = MXNet("train.py",
MXNet Estimators

The MXNet constructor takes both required and optional arguments.

Required arguments

The following are required arguments to the MXNet constructor. When you create an MXNet object, you must include these in the constructor, either positionally or as keyword arguments.

  • entry_point Path (absolute or relative) to the Python file which should be executed as the entry point to training.
  • role An AWS IAM role (either name or full ARN). The Amazon SageMaker training jobs and APIs that create Amazon SageMaker endpoints use this role to access training data and model artifacts. After the endpoint is created, the inference code might use the IAM role, if accessing AWS resource.
  • train_instance_count Number of Amazon EC2 instances to use for training.
  • train_instance_type Type of EC2 instance to use for training, for example, 'ml.c4.xlarge'.
Optional arguments

The following are optional arguments. When you create an MXNet object, you can specify these as keyword arguments.

  • source_dir Path (absolute or relative) to a directory with any other training source code dependencies aside from the entry point file. Structure within this directory will be preserved when training on SageMaker.
  • hyperparameters Hyperparameters that will be used for training. Will be made accessible as a dict[str, str] to the training code on SageMaker. For convenience, accepts other types besides str, but str() will be called on keys and values to convert them before training.
  • py_version Python version you want to use for executing your model training code.
  • train_volume_size Size in GB of the EBS volume to use for storing input data during training. Must be large enough to store training data if input_mode='File' is used (which is the default).
  • train_max_run Timeout in hours for training, after which Amazon SageMaker terminates the job regardless of its current status.
  • input_mode The input mode that the algorithm supports. Valid modes: 'File' - Amazon SageMaker copies the training dataset from the s3 location to a directory in the Docker container. 'Pipe' - Amazon SageMaker streams data directly from s3 to the container via a Unix named pipe.
  • output_path s3 location where you want the training result (model artifacts and optional output files) saved. If not specified, results are stored to a default bucket. If the bucket with the specific name does not exist, the estimator creates the bucket during the fit() method execution.
  • output_kms_key Optional KMS key ID to optionally encrypt training output with.
  • job_name Name to assign for the training job that the fit() method launches. If not specified, the estimator generates a default job name, based on the training image name and current timestamp
Calling fit

You start your training script by calling fit on an MXNet Estimator. fit takes both required and optional arguments.

Required argument
  • inputs: This can take one of the following forms: A string s3 URI, for example s3://my-bucket/my-training-data. In this case, the s3 objects rooted at the my-training-data prefix will be available in the default train channel. A dict from string channel names to s3 URIs. In this case, the objects rooted at each s3 prefix will available as files in each channel directory.

For example:

Optional arguments
  • wait: Defaults to True, whether to block and wait for the training script to complete before returning.
  • logs: Defaults to True, whether to show logs produced by training job in the Python session. Only meaningful when wait is True.

Saving models

When we run MXNet training, we often want to save or manipulate the models that MXNet produces. SageMaker Estimators provides several ways to save MXNet models. The method used is driven by functions you define on your training script, run via the MXNet Estimator in SageMaker in response to fit.

Just as you enable training by defining a train function in your training script, you enable model saving by defining a save function in your script. If your script includes a save function, SageMaker will invoke it with the return-value of train. Model saving is a two-step process, firstly you return the model you want to save from train, then you define your model-serialization logic in save.

SageMaker provides a default implementation of save that works with MXNet Module API Module objects. If your training script does not define a save function, then the default save function will be invoked on the return-value of your train function.

The following script demonstrates how to return a model from train, that's compatible with the default save function.

import mxnet as mx

def create_graph():
    # Code to create graph omitted for brevity

def train(num_gpus, channel_input_dirs, **kwargs):
    ctx = mx.cpu() if not num_gpus else [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(num_gpus)]
    sym = create_graph()
    mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=ctx)

    # Code to fit mod omitted for brevity
    # ...

    # Return the Module object. SageMaker will save this.
    return mod

If you define your own save function, it should have the following signature:

def save(model, model_dir)

Where model is the return-value from train and model_dir is the directory SageMaker requires you to save your model. If you write files into model_dir then they will be persisted to s3 after the SageMaker Training Job completes.

After your training job is complete, your model data will available in the s3 output_path you specified when you created the MXNet Estimator. Handling of s3 output is discussed in: Accessing SageMaker output and model data in s3.

MXNet Module serialization in SageMaker

If you train function returns a Module object, it will be serialized by the default Module serialization system, unless you've specified a custom save function.

The default serialization system generates three files:

  • model-shapes.json: A json list, containing a serialization of the Module data_shapes property. Each object in the list contains the serialization of one DataShape in the returned Module. Each object has a name property, containing the DataShape name and a shape property, which is a list of that dimensions for the shape of that DataShape. For example:
    {"name":"images", "shape":[100, 1, 28, 28]},
    {"name":"labels", "shape":[100, 1]}
  • model-symbol.json: The MXNet Module Symbol serialization, produced by invoking save on the symbol property of the Module being saved.
  • modle.params: The MXNet Module parameters. Produced by invoking save_params on the Module being saved.
Writing a custom save function

You can provide your own save function. This is useful if you are not working with the Module API or you need special processing.

To provide your own save function, define a save function in your training script. The function should take two arguments:

  • model: This is the object that was returned from your train function. If your train function does not return an object, it will be None. You are free to return an object of any type from train, you do not have to return Module or Gluon API specific objects.
  • model_dir: This is the string path on the SageMaker training host where you save your model. Files created in this directory will be accessible in S3 after your SageMaker Training Job completes.

After your train function completes, SageMaker will invoke save with the object returned from train.

Note: How to save Gluon models with SageMaker

If your train function returns a Gluon API net object as its model, you'll need to write your own save function. You will want to serialize the net parameters. Saving net parameters is covered in the Serialization section of the collaborative Gluon deep-learning book "The Straight Dope".

Deploying MXNet models

After an MXNet Estimator has been fit, you can host the newly created model in SageMaker.

After calling fit, you can call deploy on an MXNet Estimator to create a SageMaker Endpoint. The Endpoint runs a SageMaker-provided MXNet model server and hosts the model produced by your training script, which was run when you called fit. This was the model object you returned from train and saved with either a custom save function or the default save function.

deploy returns a Predictor object, which you can use to do inference on the Endpoint hosting your MXNet model. Each Predictor provides a predict method which can do inference with numpy arrays or Python lists. Inference arrays or lists are serialized and sent to the MXNet model server by an InvokeEndpoint SageMaker operation.

predict returns the result of inference against your model. By default, the inference result is either a Python list or dictionary.

# Train my estimator
mxnet_estimator = MXNet("train.py",

# Deploy my estimator to a SageMaker Endpoint and get a Predictor
predictor = mxnet_estimator.deploy(deploy_instance_type="ml.p2.xlarge",

You use the SageMaker MXNet model server to host your MXNet model when you call deploy on an MXNet Estimator. The model server runs inside a SageMaker Endpoint, which your call to deploy creates. You can access the name of the Endpoint by the name property on the returned Predictor.

The SageMaker MXNet Model Server

The MXNet Endpoint you create with deploy runs a SageMaker MXNet model server. The model server loads the model that was saved by your training script and performs inference on the model in response to SageMaker InvokeEndpoint API calls.

You can configure two components of the SageMaker MXNet model server: Model loading and model serving. Model loading is the process of deserializing your saved model back into an MXNet model. Serving is the process of translating InvokeEndpoint requests to inference calls on the loaded model.

As with MXNet training, you configure the MXNet model server by defining functions in the Python source file you passed to the MXNet constructor.

Model loading

Before a model can be served, it must be loaded. The SageMaker model server loads your model by invoking a model_fn function on your training script. If you don't provide a model_fn function, SageMaker will use a default model_fn function. The default function works with MXNet Module model objects, saved via the default save function.

If you wrote a custom save function then you may need to write a custom model_fn function. If your save function serializes Module objects under the same format as the default save function, then you won't need to write a custom model_fn function. If you do write a model_fn function must have the following signature:

def model_fn(model_dir)

SageMaker will inject the directory where your model files and sub-directories, saved by save, have been mounted. Your model function should return a model object that can be used for model serving. SageMaker provides automated serving functions that work with Gluon API net objects and Module API Module objects. If you return either of these types of objects, then you will be able to use the default serving request handling functions.

The following code-snippet shows an example custom model_fn implementation. This loads returns an MXNet Gluon net model for resnet-34 inference. It loads the model parameters from a model.params file in the SageMaker model directory.

def model_fn(model_dir):
    Load the gluon model. Called once when hosting service starts.
    :param: model_dir The directory where model files are stored.
    :return: a model (in this case a Gluon network)
    net = models.get_model('resnet34_v2', ctx=mx.cpu(), pretrained=False, classes=10)
    net.load_params('%s/model.params' % model_dir, ctx=mx.cpu())
    return net
Model serving

After the SageMaker model server has loaded your model, by calling either the default model_fn or the implementation in your training script, SageMaker will serve your model. Model serving is the process of responding to inference requests, received by SageMaker InvokeEndpoint API calls. The SageMaker MXNet model server breaks request handling into three steps:

  • input processing,
  • prediction, and
  • output processing.

In a similar way to previous steps, you configure these steps by defining functions in your Python source file.

Each step involves invoking a python function, with information about the request and the return-value from the previous function in the chain. Inside the SageMaker MXNet model server, the process looks like:

# Deserialize the Invoke request body into an object we can perform prediction on
input_object = input_fn(request_body, request_content_type, model)

# Perform prediction on the deserialized object, with the loaded model
prediction = predict_fn(input_object, model)

# Serialize the prediction result into the desired response content type
ouput = output_fn(prediction, response_content_type)

The above code-sample shows the three function definitions:

  • input_fn: Takes request data and deserializes the data into an object for prediction.
  • predict_fn: Takes the deserialized request object and performs inference against the loaded model.
  • output_fn: Takes the result of prediction and serializes this according to the response content type.

The SageMaker MXNet model server provides default implementations of these functions. These work with common-content types, and Gluon API and Module API model objects. You can provide your own implementations for these functions in your training script. If you omit any definition then the SageMaker MXNet model server will use its default implementation for that function.

If you rely solely on the SageMaker MXNet model server defaults, you get the following functionality:

  • Prediction on MXNet Gluon API net and Module API Module objects.
  • Deserialization from CSV and JSON to NDArrayIters.
  • Serialization of NDArrayIters to CSV or JSON.

In the following sections we describe the default implementations of input_fn, predict_fn, and output_fn. We describe the input arguments and expected return types of each, so you can define your own implementations.

Input processing

When an InvokeEndpoint operation is made against an Endpoint running a SageMaker MXNet model server, the model server receives two pieces of information:

  • The request Content-Type, for example "application/json"
  • The request data body, a byte array which is at most 5 MB (5 * 1024 * 1024 bytes) in size.

The SageMaker MXNet model server will invoke an "input_fn" function in your training script, passing in this information. If you define an input_fn function definition, it should return an object that can be passed to predict_fn and have the following signature:

def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type, model)

Where request_body is a byte buffer, request_content_type is a Python string, and model is the result of invoking model_fn.

The SageMaker MXNet model server provides a default implementation of input_fn. This function deserializes JSON or CSV encoded data into an MXNet NDArrayIter (external API docs) multi-dimensional array iterator. This works with the default predict_fn implementation, which expects an NDArrayIter as input.

Default json deserialization requires request_body contain a single json list. Sending multiple json objects within the same request_body is not supported. The list must have a dimensionality compatible with the MXNet net or Module object. Specifically, after the list is loaded, it's either padded or split to fit the first dimension of the model input shape. The list's shape must be identical to the model's input shape, for all dimensions after the first.

Default csv deserialization requires request_body contain one or more lines of CSV numerical data. The data is loaded into a two-dimensional array, where each line break defines the boundaries of the first dimension. This two-dimensional array is then re-shaped to be compatible with the shape expected by the model object. Specifically, the first dimension is kept unchanged, but the second dimension is reshaped to be consistent with the shape of all dimensions in the model, following the first dimension.

If you provide your own implementation of input_fn, you should abide by the input_fn signature. If you want to use this with the default predict_fn, then you should return an NDArrayIter. The NDArrayIter should have a shape identical to the shape of the model being predicted on. The example below shows a custom input_fn for preparing pickled numpy arrays.

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx

def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type, model):
    """An input_fn that loads a pickled numpy array"""
    if request_content_type == "application/python-pickle":
        array = np.load(StringIO(request_body))
        return mx.io.NDArrayIter(mx.ndarray(array))
        # Handle other content-types here or raise an Exception
        # if the content type is not supported.

After the inference request has been deserialized by input_fn, the SageMaker MXNet model server invokes predict_fn. As with input_fn, you can define your own predict_fn or use the SageMaker Mxnet default.

The predict_fn function has the following signature:

def predict_fn(input_object, model)

Where input_object is the object returned from input_fn and model is the model loaded by model_fn.

The default implementation of predict_fn requires input_object be an NDArrayIter, which is the return-type of the default input_fn. It also requires that model be either an MXNet Gluon API net object or a Module API Module object.

The default implementation performs inference with the input NDArrayIter on the Gluon or Module object. If the model is a Gluon net it performs: net.forward(input_object). If the model is a Module object it performs module.predict(input_object). In both cases, it returns the result of that call.

If you implement your own prediction function, you should take care to ensure that:

  • The first argument is expected to be the return value from input_fn. If you use the default input_fn, this will be an NDArrayIter.
  • The second argument is the loaded model. If you use the default model_fn implementation, this will be an MXNet Module object. Otherwise, it will be the return value of your model_fn implementation.
  • The return value should be of the correct type to be passed as the first argument to output_fn. If you use the default output_fn, this should be an NDArrayIter.
Output processing

After invoking predict_fn, the model server invokes output_fn, passing in the return-value from predict_fn and the InvokeEndpoint requested response content-type.

The output_fn has the following signature:

def output_fn(prediction, content_type)

Where prediction is the result of invoking predict_fn and content_type is the InvokeEndpoint requested response content-type. The function should return a byte array of data serialized to content_type.

The default implementation expects prediction to be an NDArray and can serialize the result to either JSON or CSV. It accepts response content types of "application/json" and "text/csv".

Distributed MXNet training

You can run a multi-machine, distributed MXNet training using the MXNet Estimator. By default, MXNet objects will submit single-machine training jobs to SageMaker. If you set train_instance_count to be greater than one, multi-machine training jobs will be launched when fit is called. When you run multi-machine training, SageMaker will import your training script and invoke train on each host in the cluster.

When you develop MXNet distributed learning algorithms, you often want to use an MXNet kvstore to store and share model parameters. To learn more about writing distributed MXNet programs, please see Distributed Training in the MXNet docs.

When using an MXNet Estimator, SageMaker automatically starts MXNet kvstore server and scheduler processes on hosts in your training job cluster. Your script runs as an MXNet worker task. SageMaker runs one server process on each host in your cluster. One host is selected arbitrarily to run the scheduler process.

Working with existing model data and training jobs

Attaching to existing training jobs

You can attach an MXNet Estimator to an existing training job using the attach method.

my_training_job_name = "MyAwesomeMXNetTrainingJob"
mxnet_estimator = MXNet.attach(my_training_job_name)

After attaching, if the training job is in a Complete status, it can be deployed to create a SageMaker Endpoint and return a Predictor. If the training job is in progress, attach will block and display log messages from the training job, until the training job completes.

The attach method accepts the following arguments:

  • training_job_name (str): The name of the training job to attach to.
  • sagemaker_session (sagemaker.Session or None): The Session used to interact with SageMaker
Deploying Endpoints from model data

As well as attaching to existing training jobs, you can deploy models directly from model data in S3. The following code sample shows how to do this, using the MXNetModel class.

mxnet_model = MXNetModel(model_data="s3://bucket/model.tar.gz", role="SageMakerRole", entry_point="trasform_script.py")

predictor = mxnet_model.deploy(instance_type="ml.c4.xlarge", initial_instance_count=1)

The MXNetModel constructor takes the following arguments:

  • model_data (str): An S3 location of a SageMaker model data .tar.gz file
  • image (str): A Docker image URI
  • role (str): An IAM role name or Arn for SageMaker to access AWS resources on your behalf.
  • predictor_cls (callable[string,sagemaker.Session]): A function to call to create a predictor. If not None, deploy will return the result of invoking this function on the created endpoint name
  • env (dict[string,string]): Environment variables to run with image when hosted in SageMaker.
  • name (str): The model name. If None, a default model name will be selected on each deploy.
  • entry_point (str): Path (absolute or relative) to the Python file which should be executed as the entry point to model hosting.
  • source_dir (str): Optional. Path (absolute or relative) to a directory with any other training source code dependencies aside from tne entry point file. Structure within this directory will be preserved when training on SageMaker.
  • enable_cloudwatch_metrics (boolean): Optional. If true, training and hosting containers will generate Cloudwatch metrics under the AWS/SageMakerContainer namespace.
  • container_log_level (int): Log level to use within the container. Valid values are defined in the Python logging module.
  • code_location (str): Optional. Name of the S3 bucket where your custom code will be uploaded to. If not specified, will use the SageMaker default bucket created by sagemaker.Session.
  • sagemaker_session (sagemaker.Session): The SageMaker Session object, used for SageMaker interaction"""

Your model data must be a .tar.gz file in S3. SageMaker Training Job model data is saved to .tar.gz files in S3, however if you have local data you want to deploy, you can prepare the data yourself.

Assuming you have a local directory containg your model data named "my_model" you can tar and gzip compress the file and upload to S3 using the following commands:

tar -czf model.tar.gz my_model
aws s3 cp model.tar.gz s3://my-bucket/my-path/model.tar.gz

This uploads the contents of my_model to a gzip compressed tar file to S3 in the bucket "my-bucket", with the key "my-path/model.tar.gz".

To run this command, you'll need the aws cli tool installed. Please refer to our FAQ for more information on installing this.

MXNet Training Examples

Amazon provides several example Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate end-to-end training on Amazon SageMaker using MXNet. Please refer to:


These are also availble in SageMaker Notebook Instance hosted Jupyter notebooks under the "sample notebooks" folder.

SageMaker MXNet Containers

When training and deploying training scripts, SageMaker runs your Python script in a Docker container with several libraries installed. When creating the Estimator and calling deploy to create the SageMaker Endpoint, you can control the environment your script runs in.

SageMaker runs MXNet Estimator scripts in either Python 2.7 or Python 3.5. You can select the Python version by passing a py_version keyword arg to the MXNet Estimator constructor. Setting this to py2 (the default) will cause your training script to be run on Python 2.7. Setting this to py3 will cause your training script to be run on Python 3.5. This Python version applies to both the Training Job, created by fit, and the Endpoint, created by deploy.

Your MXNet training script will be run on version 0.12 of MXNet, built for either GPU or CPU use. The decision to use the GPU or CPU version of MXNet is made by the train_instance_type, set on the MXNet constructor. If you choose a GPU instance type, your training job will be run on a GPU version of MXNet. If you choose a CPU instance type, your training job will be run on a CPU version of MXNet. Similarly, when you call deploy, specifying a GPU or CPU deploy_instance_type, will control which MXNet build your Endpoint runs.

Each Docker container has the following dependencies installed:

  • Python 2.7 or Python 3.5, depending on the py_version argument on the MXNet constructor.
  • MXNet 0.12, built for either GPU or CPU, depending on the instance type for training or deploying.
  • CUDA 9.0
  • numpy 1.12

The Docker images extend Ubuntu 16.04.

TensorFlow SageMaker Estimators

TensorFlow SageMaker Estimators allow you to run your own TensorFlow training algorithms on SageMaker Learner, and to host your own TensorFlow models on SageMaker Hosting.

Training with TensorFlow

Training TensorFlow models using a sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow is a two-step process. First, you prepare your training script, then second, you run it on SageMaker Learner via the sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow estimator.

Suppose that you already have a TensorFlow training script called tf-train.py. You can train this script in SageMaker Learner as follows:

from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow

tf_estimator = TensorFlow('tf-train.py', role='SageMakerRole',
                          training_steps=10000, evaluation_steps=100,
                          train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.p2.xlarge')

Where the s3 url is a path to your training data, within Amazon S3. The constructor keyword arguments define how SageMaker runs your training script and are discussed, in detail, in a later section.

In the following sections, we'll discuss how to prepare a training script for execution on SageMaker, then how to run that script on SageMaker using a sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow estimator.

Preparing the TensorFlow training script

Your TensorFlow training script must be a Python 2.7 source file. The current supported TensorFlow version is 1.4.0. This training script must contain the following functions:

  • model_fn: defines the model that will be trained.
  • train_input_fn: preprocess and load training data.
  • eval_input_fn: preprocess and load evaluation data.
  • serving_input_fn: defines the features to be passed to the model during prediction.
Creating a model_fn

A model_fn is a function that contains all the logic to support training, evaluation, and prediction. The basic skeleton for a model_fn looks like this:

def model_fn(features, labels, mode, hyperparameters):
  # Logic to do the following:
  # 1. Configure the model via TensorFlow operations
  # 2. Define the loss function for training/evaluation
  # 3. Define the training operation/optimizer
  # 4. Generate predictions
  # 5. Return predictions/loss/train_op/eval_metric_ops in EstimatorSpec object
  return EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions, loss, train_op, eval_metric_ops)

The model_fn must accept four positional arguments:

  • features: A dict containing the features passed to the model via train_input_fn in training mode, via eval_input_fn in evaluation mode, and via serving_input_fn in predict mode.
  • labels: A Tensor containing the labels passed to the model via train_input_fn in training mode and eval_input_fn in evaluation mode. It will be empty for predict mode.
  • mode: One of the following tf.estimator.ModeKeys string values indicating the context in which the model_fn was invoked: - TRAIN: the model_fn was invoked in training mode. - EVAL: the model_fn was invoked in evaluation mode. - PREDICT: the model_fn was invoked in predict mode.
  • hyperparameters: The hyperparameters passed to SageMaker TrainingJob that runs your TensorFlow training script. You can use this to pass hyperparameters to your training script.
Example of a complete model_fn
def model_fn(features, labels, mode, hyperparameters):
  # Connect the first hidden layer to input layer
  # (features["x"]) with relu activation
  first_hidden_layer = Dense(10, activation='relu', name='first-layer')(features[INPUT_TENSOR_NAME])

  # Connect the second hidden layer to first hidden layer with relu
  second_hidden_layer = Dense(20, activation='relu')(first_hidden_layer)

  # Connect the output layer to second hidden layer (no activation fn)
  output_layer = Dense(1, activation='linear')(second_hidden_layer)

  # Reshape output layer to 1-dim Tensor to return predictions
  predictions = tf.reshape(output_layer, [-1])

  # Provide an estimator spec for `ModeKeys.PREDICT`.
  if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
    return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions={"ages": predictions})

  # Calculate loss using mean squared error
  loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels, predictions)

  # Calculate root mean squared error as additional eval metric
  eval_metric_ops = {
      "rmse": tf.metrics.root_mean_squared_error(tf.cast(labels, tf.float64), predictions)

  optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(
  train_op = optimizer.minimize(
      loss=loss, global_step=tf.train.get_global_step())

  # Provide an estimator spec for `ModeKeys.EVAL` and `ModeKeys.TRAIN` modes.
  return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
Distributed training

When distributed training happens, a copy of the same neural network will be sent to multiple training instances. Each instance will train with a batch of the dataset, calculate loss and minimize the optimizer. One entire loop of this process is called training step.

A global step is a global counter shared between the instances. It is necessary for distributed training, so the optimizer can keep track of the number of training steps across instances. The only change in the previous complete model_fn to enable distributed training is to pass in the global step into the optimizer.minimize function:

train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, tf.train.get_or_create_global_step())

More information about distributed training can be find in talk from the TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 Distributed TensorFlow.

More details on how to create a model_fn can be find in Constructing the model_fn.

Creating train_input_fn and eval_input_fn functions

The train_input_fn is used to pass features and labels to the model_fn in training mode. The eval_input_fn is used to features and labels to the model_fn in evaluation mode.

The basic skeleton for the train_input_fn looks like this:

def train_input_fn(training_dir, hyperparameters):
  # Logic to the following:
  # 1. Reads the **training** dataset files located in training_dir
  # 2. Preprocess the dataset
  # 3. Return 1)  a mapping of feature columns to Tensors with
  # the corresponding feature data, and 2) a Tensor containing labels
  return feature_cols, labels

An eval_input_fn follows the same format:

def eval_input_fn(training_dir, hyperparameters):
  # Logic to the following:
  # 1. Reads the **evaluation** dataset files located in training_dir
  # 2. Preprocess the dataset
  # 3. Return 1)  a mapping of feature columns to Tensors with
  # the corresponding feature data, and 2) a Tensor containing labels
  return feature_cols, labels
Example of a complete train_input_fn and eval_input_fn
def train_input_fn(training_dir, hyperparameters):
  # invokes _input_fn with training dataset
  return _input_fn(training_dir, 'training_dataset.csv')

def eval_input_fn(training_dir, hyperparameters):
  # invokes _input_fn with evaluation dataset
  return _input_fn(training_dir, 'evaluation_dataset.csv')

def _input_fn(training_dir, training_filename):
    # reads the dataset using tf.dataset API
    training_set = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.base.load_csv_without_header(
        filename=os.path.join(training_dir, training_filename), target_dtype=np.int, features_dtype=np.float32)

    # returns features x and labels y
    return tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
        x={INPUT_TENSOR_NAME: np.array(training_set.data)},

More details on how to create input functions can be find in Building Input Functions with tf.estimator.

Creating a serving_input_fn

During training, train_input_fn ingests data and prepares it for use by the model. At the end of training, similarly, serving_input_fn is used to create the model that is exported for TensorFlow Serving. This function has the following purposes:

  • To add placeholders to the graph that the serving system will feed with inference requests.
  • To add any additional ops needed to convert data from the input format into the feature Tensors expected by the model.

The basic skeleton for the serving_input_fn looks like this:

def serving_input_fn(hyperparameters):
  # Logic to the following:
  # 1. Defines placeholders that TensorFlow serving will feed with inference requests
  # 2. Preprocess input data
  # 3. Returns a tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver object, which packages the placeholders
  and the resulting feature Tensors together.
Example of a complete serving_input_fn
def serving_input_fn(hyperparameters):
    # defines the input placeholder
    tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, 7])
    # returns the ServingInputReceiver object.
    return build_raw_serving_input_receiver_fn({INPUT_TENSOR_NAME: tensor})()

More details on how to create a serving_input_fn can be find in Preparing serving inputs.

The complete example described above can find in Abalone age predictor using layers notebook example.

More examples on how to create a TensorFlow training script can be find in the Amazon SageMaker examples repository.

Support for pre-made tf.estimator and Keras models

In addition to model_fn, sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow supports pre-canned tf.estimator and Keras models.

Using a pre-made tensorflow.estimator instead of a model_fn

Pre-canned estimators are machine learning estimators premade for general purpose problems. tf.estimator provides the following pre-canned estimators:

To use a pre-canned tensorflow.estimator instead of creating a model_fn, you need to write a estimator_fn. The base skeleton for the estimator_fn looks like this:

def estimator_fn(run_config, hyperparameters):
  # Logic to the following:
  # 1. Defines the features columns that will be the input of the estimator
  # 2. Returns an instance of a ``tensorflow.estimator`` passing in, the input run_config in the
  #    constructor.
Example of a complete estimator_fn
def estimator_fn(run_config, hyperparameters):
    # Defines the features columns that will be the input of the estimator
    feature_columns = [tf.feature_column.numeric_column(INPUT_TENSOR_NAME, shape=[4])]
    # Returns the instance of estimator.
    return tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(feature_columns=feature_columns,
                                      hidden_units=[10, 20, 10],

More details on how to create a tensorflow.estimator can be find in Creating Estimators in tf.estimator.

An example on how to create a TensorFlow training script with an estimator_fn can find in this example.

Using a Keras model instead of a model_fn

tf.keras is an full implementation inside TensorFlow of the Keras API. To use a tf.keras model for training instead of model_fn, you need to write a keras_model_fn. The base skeleton of a keras_model_fn looks like this:

def keras_model_fn(hyperparameters):
    # Logic to do the following:
    # 1. Instantiate the Keras model
    # 2. Compile the Keras model
    return compiled_model
Example of a complete keras_model_fn
def keras_model_fn(hyperparameters):
  # Instantiate a Keras inception v3 model.
  keras_inception_v3 = tf.keras.applications.inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights=None)
  # Compile model with the optimizer, loss, and metrics you'd like to train with.
  keras_inception_v3.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9),
                        loss='categorical_crossentropy', metric='accuracy')
  return keras_inception_v3

TensorFlow 1.4.0 support for Keras models is limited only for non-distributed training; i.e. set the train_instance_count parameter in the TensorFlow estimator equal to 1.

More details on how to create a Keras model can be find in the Keras documentation.

Running a TensorFlow training script in SageMaker

You run TensorFlow training scripts on SageMaker by creating a sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow estimator. When you call fit on the TensorFlow estimator, a training job is created in SageMaker. The following code sample shows how to train a custom TensorFlow script 'tf-train.py'.

from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow

tf_estimator = TensorFlow('tf-train.py', role='SageMakerRole',
                          training_steps=10000, evaluation_steps=100,
                          train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.p2.xlarge')
sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow class

The TensorFlow constructor takes both required and optional arguments.

Required arguments

The following are required arguments to the TensorFlow constructor.

  • entry_point (str) Path (absolute or relative) to the Python file which should be executed as the entry point to training.
  • role (str) An AWS IAM role (either name or full ARN). The Amazon SageMaker training jobs and APIs that create Amazon SageMaker endpoints use this role to access training data and model artifacts. After the endpoint is created, the inference code might use the IAM role, if accessing AWS resource.
  • train_instance_count (int) Number of Amazon EC2 instances to use for training.
  • train_instance_type (str) Type of EC2 instance to use for training, for example, 'ml.c4.xlarge'.
  • training_steps (int) Perform this many steps of training. None, means train forever.
  • evaluation_steps (int) Perform this many steps of evaluation. None, means that evaluation runs until input from eval_input_fn is exhausted (or another exception is raised).
Optional Arguments

The following are optional arguments. When you create a TensorFlow object, you can specify these as keyword arguments.

  • source_dir (str) Path (absolute or relative) to a directory with any other training source code dependencies aside from the entry point file. Structure within this directory will be preserved when training on SageMaker.
  • hyperparameters (dict[str,ANY]) Hyperparameters that will be used for training. Will be made accessible as a dict[] to the training code on SageMaker. Some hyperparameters will be interpreted by TensorFlow and can be use to fine tune training. See Optional Hyperparameters.
  • train_volume_size (int) Size in GB of the EBS volume to use for storing input data during training. Must be large enough to the store training data.
  • train_max_run (int) Timeout in hours for training, after which Amazon SageMaker terminates the job regardless of its current status.
  • output_path (str) S3 location where you want the training result (model artifacts and optional output files) saved. If not specified, results are stored to a default bucket. If the bucket with the specific name does not exist, the estimator creates the bucket during the fit method execution.
  • checkpoint_path S3 location where checkpoint data will saved and restored. The default location is bucket_name/job_name/checkpoint. If the location already has checkpoints before the training starts, the model will restore state from the last saved checkpoint. It is very useful to restart a training. See Restoring from checkpoints.
  • output_kms_key Optional KMS key ID to optionally encrypt training output with.
  • base_job_name Name to assign for the training job that the fit method launches. If not specified, the estimator generates a default job name, based on the training image name and current timestamp.
Optional Hyperparameters

These hyperparameters are used by TensorFlow to fine tune the training. You need to add them inside the hyperparameters dictionary in the TensorFlow estimator constructor.

  • save_summary_steps (int) Save summaries every this many steps.
  • save_checkpoints_secs (int) Save checkpoints every this many seconds. Can not be specified with save_checkpoints_steps.
  • save_checkpoints_steps (int) Save checkpoints every this many steps. Can not be specified with save_checkpoints_secs.
  • keep_checkpoint_max (int) The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0, all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent checkpoint files are kept.)
  • keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours (int) Number of hours between each checkpoint to be saved. The default value of 10,000 hours effectively disables the feature.
  • log_step_count_steps (int) The frequency, in number of global steps, that the global step/sec will be logged during training.
  • eval_metrics (dict) dict of string, metric function. If None, default set is used. This should be None if the estimator is tf.estimator.Estimator. If metrics are provided they will be appended to the default set.
  • train_monitors (list) A list of monitors to pass during training.
  • eval_hooks (list) A list of SessionRunHook hooks to pass during evaluation.
  • eval_delay_secs (int) Start evaluating after waiting for this many seconds.
  • continuous_eval_throttle_secs (int) Do not re-evaluate unless the last evaluation was started at least this many seconds ago.
  • min_eval_frequency (int) The minimum number of steps between evaluations. Of course, evaluation does not occur if no new snapshot is available, hence, this is the minimum. If 0, the evaluation will only happen after training. If None, defaults to default is 1000.
  • delay_workers_by_global_step (bool) if True delays training workers based on global step instead of time.
  • train_steps_per_iteration (int) Perform this many (integer) number of train steps for each training-evaluation iteration. With a small value, the model will be evaluated more frequently with more checkpoints saved.
Calling fit

You start your training script by calling fit on a TensorFlow estimator. fit takes both required and optional arguments.

Required argument
  • inputs (str): A S3 URI, for example s3://my-bucket/my-training-data, which contains the dataset that will be used for training. When the training job starts in SageMaker the container will download the dataset. Both train_input_fn and eval_input_fn functions have a parameter called training_dir which contains the directory inside the container where the dataset was saved into. See Creating train_input_fn and eval_input_fn functions.
Optional arguments
  • wait (bool): Defaults to True, whether to block and wait for the training script to complete before returning.
  • logs (bool): Defaults to True, whether to show logs produced by training job in the Python session. Only meaningful when wait is True.
  • run_tensorboard_locally (bool): Defaults to False. Executes TensorBoard in a different process with downloaded checkpoint information. Requires modules TensorBoard and AWS CLI. installed. Terminates TensorBoard when the execution ends. See Running TensorBoard.
  • job_name (str): Training job name. If not specified, the estimator generates a default job name, based on the training image name and current timestamp.
What happens when fit is called

Calling fit starts a SageMaker training job. The training job will execute the following.

  • Starts train_instance_count EC2 instances of the type train_instance_type.
  • On each instance, it will do the following steps:

The training job finishes after the number of training steps reaches the value defined by the TensorFlow estimator parameter training_steps is finished or when the training job execution time reaches the TensorFlow estimator parameter train_max_run.

When the training job finishes, a TensorFlow serving with the result of the training is generated and saved to the S3 location define by the TensorFlow estimator parameter output_path.

The evaluation process

During the training job, the first EC2 instance that is executing the training is named master. All the other instances are called workers.

All instances execute the training loop, feeding the model_fn with train_input_fn. Every min_eval_frequency steps (see Optional Hyperparameters), the master instance will execute the model_fn in evaluation mode; i.e., features and labels are fed with the evaluation dataset defined by eval_input_fn. See Creating train_input_fn and eval_input_fn functions.

For more information on training and evaluation process, see tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate.

For more information on fit, see SageMaker Python SDK Overview.

TensorFlow serving models

After your training job is complete in SageMaker and the fit call ends, the training job will generate a TensorFlow serving model ready for deployment. Your TensorFlow serving model will be available in the S3 location output_path that you specified when you created your sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow estimator.

Restoring from checkpoints

While your training job is executing, TensorFlow will generate checkpoints and save them in the S3 location defined by checkpoint_path parameter in the TensorFlow constructor. These checkpoints can be used to restore a previous session or to evaluate the current training using TensorBoard.

To restore a previous session, you just need to create a new sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow estimator pointing to the previous checkpoint path:

previous_checkpoint_path = 's3://location/of/my/previous/generated/checkpoints'

tf_estimator = TensorFlow('tf-train.py', role='SageMakerRole',
                          training_steps=10000, evaluation_steps=100,
                          train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.p2.xlarge')
Running TensorBoard

When the fit parameter run_tensorboard_locally is set True, all the checkpoint data located in checkpoint_path will be downloaded to a local temporary folder and a local TensorBoard application will be watching that temporary folder. Every time a new checkpoint is created by the training job in the S3 bucket, fit will download that checkpoint to the same temporary folder and update TensorBoard.

When the fit method starts the training, it will log the port that TensorBoard is using to display metrics. The default port is 6006, but another port can be chosen depending on availability. The port number will increase until finds an available port. After that, the port number will be printed in stdout.

It takes a few minutes to provision containers and start the training job. TensorBoard will start to display metrics shortly after that.

You can access TensorBoard locally at http://localhost:6006 or using your SakeMaker workspace at https*workspace_base_url*proxy/6006/ (TensorBoard will not work if you forget to put the slash, '/', in end of the url). If TensorBoard started on a different port, adjust these URLs to match.

Deploying TensorFlow Serving models

After a TensorFlow Estimator has been fit, it saves a TensorFlow Serving model in the S3 location defined by output_path. You can call deploy on a TensorFlow estimator to create a SageMaker Endpoint.

A common usage of the deploy method, after the TensorFlow estimator has been fit look like this:

from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow

estimator = TensorFlow(entry_point='tf-train.py', ..., train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.c4.xlarge')


predictor = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.c4.xlarge')

The code block above deploys a SageMaker Endpoint with one instance of the type 'ml.c4.xlarge'.

What happens when deploy is called

Calling deploy starts the process of creating a SageMaker Endpoint. This process includes the following steps.

When the deploy call finishes, the created SageMaker Endpoint is ready for prediction requests. The next chapter will explain how to make predictions against the Endpoint, how to use different content-types in your requests, and how to extend the Web server functionality.

Making predictions against a SageMaker Endpoint

The following code adds a prediction request to the previous code example:

estimator = TensorFlow(entry_point='tf-train.py', ..., train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.c4.xlarge')


predictor = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.c4.xlarge')

result = predictor.predict([6.4, 3.2, 4.5, 1.5])

The predictor.predict method call takes one parameter, the input data for which you want the SageMaker Endpoint to provide inference. predict will serialize the input data, and send it in as request to the SageMaker Endpoint by an InvokeEndpoint SageMaker operation. InvokeEndpoint operation requests can be made by predictor.predict, by boto3 SageMaker.runtime client or by AWS CLI.

The SageMaker Endpoint web server will process the request, make an inference using the deployed model, and return a response. The result returned by predict is a Python dictionary with the model prediction. In the code example above, the prediction result looks like this:

  {'classifications': [
    {'classes': [
      {'label': '0', 'score': 0.0012890376383438706},
      {'label': '1', 'score': 0.9814321994781494},
      {'label': '2', 'score': 0.017278732731938362}
Specifying the output of a prediction request

The format of the prediction result is determined by the parameter export_outputs of the tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec that you returned when you created your model_fn, see Example of a complete model_fn for an example of export_outputs.

More information on how to create export_outputs can find in specifying the outputs of a custom model.

Endpoint prediction request handling

Whenever a prediction request is made to a SageMaker Endpoint via a InvokeEndpoint SageMaker operation, the request will be deserialized by the web server, sent to TensorFlow Serving, and serialized back to the client as response.

The TensorFlow Web server breaks request handling into three steps:

  • input processing,
  • TensorFlow Serving prediction, and
  • output processing.

The SageMaker Endpoint provides default input and output processing, which support by default JSON, CSV, and protobuf requests. This process looks like this:

# Deserialize the Invoke request body into an object we can perform prediction on
deserialized_input = input_fn(serialized_input, request_content_type)

# Perform prediction on the deserialized object, with the loaded model
prediction_result = make_tensorflow_serving_prediction(deserialized_input)

# Serialize the prediction result into the desired response content type
serialized_output = output_fn(prediction_result, accepts)

The common functionality can be extended by the addiction of the following two functions to your training script:

Overriding input precessing with an input_fn

An example of input_fn for the content-type "application/python-pickle" can be seen below:

import numpy as np

def input_fn(serialized_input, content_type):
    """An input_fn that loads a pickled object"""
    if request_content_type == "application/python-pickle":
        deserialized_input = pickle.loads(serialized_input)
        return deserialized_input
        # Handle other content-types here or raise an Exception
        # if the content type is not supported.
Overriding output precessing with an output_fn

An example of output_fn for the accept type "application/python-pickle" can be seen below:

import numpy as np

def output_fn(prediction_result, accepts):
    """An output_fn that dumps a pickled object as response"""
    if request_content_type == "application/python-pickle":
        return np.dumps(prediction_result)
        # Handle other content-types here or raise an Exception
        # if the content type is not supported.

A example with input_fn and output_fn above can be found in here.

SageMaker TensorFlow Docker containers

The TensorFlow Docker container supports Python 2.7. The Docker container has the following Python modules installed: - awscli 1.12.1 - boto3 1.4.7 - botocore 1.5.92 - futures 2.2.0 - gevent 1.2.2 - grpcio 1.7.0 - numpy 1.13.3 - pandas 0.21.0 - protobuf 3.4.0 - requests 2.14.2 - scikit-learn 0.19.1 - scipy 1.0.0 - six 1.10.0 - sklearn 0.0 - tensorflow 1.4.0 - tensorflow-serving-api 1.4.0 - tensorflow-tensorboard 0.4.0rc2

The Docker images extend Ubuntu 16.04.

AWS SageMaker Estimators

Amazon SageMaker provides several built-in machine learning algorithms that you can use for a variety of problem types.

The full list of algorithms is available on the AWS website: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/algos.html

SageMaker Python SDK includes Estimator wrappers for the AWS K-means, Principal Components Analysis, and Linear Learner algorithms.

Definition and usage

Estimators that wrap Amazon's built-in algorithms define algorithm's hyperparameters with defaults. When a default is not possible you need to provide the value during construction:

  • KMeans Estimator requires parameter k to define number of clusters
  • PCA Estimator requires parameter num_components to define number of principal components

Interaction is identical as any other Estimators. There are additional details about how data is specified.

Input data format

Please note that Amazon's built-in algorithms are working best with protobuf recordIO format. The data is expected to be available in S3 location and depending on algorithm it can handle dat in multiple data channels.

This package offers support to prepare data into required fomrat and upload data to S3. Provided class RecordSet captures necessary details like S3 location, number of records, data channel and is expected as input parameter when calling fit().

Function record_set is available on algorithms objects to make it simple to achieve the above. It takes 2D numpy array as input, uploads data to S3 and returns RecordSet objects. By default it uses train data channel and no labels but can be specified when called.

Please find an example code snippet for illustration:

from sagemaker import PCA
pca_estimator = PCA(role='SageMakerRole', train_instance_count=1, train_instance_type='ml.m4.xlarge', num_components=3)

import numpy as np
records = pca_estimator.record_set(np.arange(10).reshape(2,5))


Predictions support

Calling inference on deployed Amazon's built-in algorithms requires specific input format. By default, this library creates a predictor that allows to use just numpy data. Data is converted so that application/x-recordio-protobuf input format is used. Received response is deserialized from the protobuf and provided as result from the predict call.

BYO Docker Containers with SageMaker Estimators

When you want to use a Docker image prepared earlier and use SageMaker SDK for training the easiest way is to use dedicated Estimator class. You will be able to instantiate it with desired image and use it in same way as described in previous sections.

Please refer to the full example in the examples repo:

git clone https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-sagemaker-examples.git

The example notebook is is located here: advanced_functionality/scikit_bring_your_own/scikit_bring_your_own.ipynb


I want to train a SageMaker Estimator with local data, how do I do this?

You'll need to upload the data to S3 before training. You can use the AWS Command Line Tool (the aws cli) to achieve this.

If you don't have the aws cli, you can install it using pip:

pip install awscli --upgrade --user

If you don't have pip or want to learn more about installing the aws cli, please refer to the official Amazon aws cli installation guide.

Once you have the aws cli installed, you can upload a directory of files to S3 with the following command:

aws s3 cp /tmp/foo/ s3://bucket/path

You can read more about using the aws cli for manipulating S3 resources in the AWS cli command reference.