
This extension enables you to update/add/remove url param value. Especially useful when working with long urls which do have a big number of params. Very handy if a shortcut is assigned.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chrome store link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/urlparamupdater/nfcohebinojijpbmgklkhbiooeiiojea

This extension enables you to update/add/remove url param value. Useful when working with long urls.
This extension enables you to update/add/remove url param value. Useful when working with long urls with a big number of params. Handy if a shortcut is assigned.

How to use? For url: http://example.com?foo=bar

- when added foo=new will update tab url to http://example.com?foo=new

- when added foo= (empty value) will update tab url to http://example.com?

- when added geek=true will update tab url to http://example.com?geek=true