
C library, Azure Sphere, MT3620 Grove Shield, I2C, Analog, SC18IM700, AD7992, Visual Studio 2017

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

About Azure Sphere MT3620 Grove Shield Library

This is a library for the Azure Sphere MT3620 Grove Shield. The shield enhances the MT3620 version of thye Azure Sphere by adding an I2C interface and Analog input. Original repository: Azure Sphere MT3620 Grove Shield Library on GitHub.

Note: You now have to open Az Sphere projects as CMake projects, not as VS projects

The following samples have been added/modified in this repository:

  • Samples\Temp_and_Humidity_DME280
    • Reads the temperature, pressure and humidity via I2C using a DME280 connected to the Grove Azure Sphere MT3620 Shield
    • Nb: This shield implements its own I2C and communicates with the Az Sphere via its UART.
    • Nb2: The original driver in the repository only implements temperature. That functionality has been extended to include pressure and humidity.
    • I (carefully) used a BME280 that I had for other uses (non Grove) by carefully connected its pins to a Grove pin wire.
      • Black: Gnd
      • Red 3.3v
      • White: SDA
      • Yellow: SCL
      • I also connected SD0 to 3.3v so that the I2C address is 0x77 <<1
      • PS: I have also ordered a Grove version.


Create a MT3620 application

Review the [Azure Sphere documentation]https://docs.microsoft.com/en-au/azure-sphere/ for the guide to setting up the developer tools and Azure Sphere SDK on Windows 10 or Ubuntu 18.04.

MT3620 Grove Shield App Manifest

Select app_manifest.json in the application project, add the below attributions, so that we can use the peripherals that MT3620 Grove Shield would use.

"Capabilities": {
    "Gpio": [ 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 12, 13, 0, 1, 4, 5, 57, 58, 11, 14, 48 ],
    "Uart": [ "ISU0", "ISU3" ],
    "AllowedApplicationConnections": []

When using a hardware definition file, you must use an identifier for app_manifest.json.

"Capabilities": {
    "Gpio": [ "$MT3620_GPIO8", "$MT3620_GPIO9", "$MT3620_GPIO10", "$MT3620_GPIO15", "$MT3620_GPIO16", "$MT3620_GPIO17", "$MT3620_GPIO18", "$MT3620_GPIO19", "$MT3620_GPIO20", "$MT3620_GPIO12", "$MT3620_GPIO13", "$MT3620_GPIO0", "$MT3620_GPIO1", "$MT3620_GPIO4", "$MT3620_GPIO5", "$MT3620_GPIO57", "$MT3620_GPIO58", "$MT3620_GPIO11", "$MT3620_GPIO14", "$MT3620_GPIO48" ],
    "Uart": [ "$MT3620_ISU0_UART", "$MT3620_ISU3_UART" ],
    "AllowedApplicationConnections": []

Here for details of the hardware definition file.

Some available header files

  • Grove.h
  • Sensors/Grove4DigitDisplay.h
  • Sensors/GroveRelay.h
  • Sensors/GroveTempHumiBaroBME280.h <-- This has been extended.
  • Sensors/GroveTempHumiSHT31.h
  • Sensors/GroveAD7992.h
  • Sensors/GroveOledDisplay96x96.h
  • Sensors/GroveRelay.h
  • Sensors/GroveRotaryAngleSensor.h
  • Sensors/GroveLEDButton.h
  • Sensors/GroveLightSensor.h

Usage of the library, see Example - Temp and Huminidy BME280

  1. Add headers
#include "Grove.h"
#include "Sensors/GroveTempHumiBaroBME280.h"
  1. Initialize the shield in main() function
int i2cFd;
GroveShield_Initialize(&i2cFd, 115200); // baudrate - 9600,14400,19200,115200,230400 
  1. Initialize and instantiation
void* bme280 = GroveTempHumiBaroBME280_Open(i2cFd);
  1. Read temp and humidiy from the sensor
    float temp = GroveTempHumiBaroBME280_GetTemperature(bme280);
    float humid = GroveTempHumiBaroBME280_GetHumidity(bme280);
    float press = GroveTempHumiBaroBME280_GetPressure(bme280)