You can execute the following approaches by launching the commands below from the CPAIOR2024 directory.

GC4CIP Execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./MyClosedConstraint --gc4cip-cpsolver DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <Absolute minimum support>

CP4CIP execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./MyClosedConstraint --cp4cip-cpsolver DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <Absolute minimum support> 43200

CP4IM execution (carried internally):

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./MyClosedConstraint --cp4im-cpsolver DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <absolute value for frequency> 43200

closedPattern execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ClosedPattern:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./ClosedPattern/pattern_closed-noavx --dataset ./DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _IS.dat> --fmin <Absolute minimum support> [Optionnal --show]

MinIntChange execution:

/bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 java -jar './MinIntChange.jar' 'DATA/<Choose a dataset file finishing with _T.dat>' <Absolute minimum support> ; echo "Exit status: $?"

Pre-processing (Binarization) execution:

/bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./Interordinal_Scaling_Binarization/ISBinarization ./DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> [Optional --show]

Post-processing (Itemset to Interval Pattern) execution:

You can test it by running the closedPattern command with --show &>output.txt Then use the output file as input in

./Itemsets_to_Interval_Patterns/Reverse_Binarisation --numericaldataset DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> --itemsetsResult <path of a file containing itemsets obtained from closedPattern or CP4IM>

3-clustering with GC4CIP execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./Clustering_with_GC4CIP/3Clustering/Clustering_GC4CIP --gc4cip-cpsolver DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <Absolute frequency>

4-clustering with GC4CIP execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./Clustering_with_GC4CIP/4Clustering/Clustering_GC4CIP --gc4cip-cpsolver DATA/<path of a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <Absolute frequency>

5-clustering with GC4CIP execution:

export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /bin/time -f "%E real , %U user , %S sys"  timeout 43200 ./Clustering_with_GC4CIP/5Clustering/Clustering_GC4CIP --gc4cip-cpsolver DATA/<Choose a dataset file finishing with _T.dat> <Absolute frequency>