
Meteor package to wrap Stripe API for synchronous style calls

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deprecation Warning!

This package is deprecated in favor of using the standard Stripe package from NPM in conjunction with Meteor's Promise or async/await integration. You can read more about promises and async/await in this blog post.

Stripe Sync

A wrapper for Meteor style synchronous Stripe API calls.

###Notice### As of version 2.0.0 you will no longer need to manually add a package that includes the StripeAPI as it is now included due to the variability of stripe versions being used in those packages

Example Usage

Stripe = StripeSync(key);

    var account = Stripe.account.retrieve()
    throw new Meteor.Error(1001, error.message);

Wrapped API

This package wraps the methods below. These are all the methods that are listed in the stripe-node github documentation.