
css hint (tooltip) based on hint.css with html content support

Primary LanguageCSS

#css html hint based on hint.css with html content support

The main disadvantage of hint.css is it's inability to show html content inside hint. This css library extends hint.css with html hints.

###Example See example

###How to To create HTML hint, download any css from dist folder, Create hint as in hint.css documentation, add hint--html class, add div (or other) tag with hint__content class example

 I'm a
<span class="hint hint--html hint--right" style="color: #0099FF">
  hint right
  <div class="hint__content"> <!--your html hint content goes here-->
    <div style="width: 140px; margin: 5px">
      I'm a <strong>hint html content</strong>
      <img style="width: 20px;height:20px" src="GitHub-Mark-64px.png">

#Install Just download any css from dist folder or install with npm

npm install --save html-hint


npm install
#create dist/html-hint.css
npm run build 
#create dist/html-hint.min.css
npm run min


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)