
A Python-like systems programming language

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




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A Python-like systems programming language. This means that the design borrows as much from Python as makes sense in the context of a statically-typed, compiled language, and tries to apply the Zen of Python to everything else. The most important design goals for Runa are developer ergonomics and performance. The compiler is written in Python and targets LLVM IR; there's no run-time. More information, including a project rationale, can be found on the project website.

Note: this is pre-alpha quality software. Use at your own peril.

All feedback welcome. Feel free to file bugs, requests for documentation and any other feedback to the issue tracker, tweet me or join the #runa channel on freenode.



  • Python 2.7 or 3.3 (3.4 probably works as well)
  • rply (tested with 0.7.2)
  • Clang (tested with 3.3 and later)

The compiler is being tested on 64-bits OS X and Linux and 32-bits Linux.

Preliminary testing has been done on 64-bit Windows 7 as well. This seems to work okay when compiling against mingw-w64, although the test suite fails because newlines get rewritten to \r\n when using write() with stdout. Compiling against the MS platform libs has been tried (through clang-cl), but I have not yet been able to fix all the undefined symbol errors.

How to get started

Type the following program into a file called hello.rns:

def main():
    print('hello, world')

Make sure to use tabs for indentation. Now, run the compiler to generate a binary, then run it:

djc@enrai runa $ ./runa compile hello.rns
djc@enrai runa $ ./hello
hello, world

Review the test cases in tests/ for other code that should work.