
Share your pathway to the Internet

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


uProxy is a browser extension that lets users share their internet connection.

Build Status

Dev: Build Status Build Status Master: Build Status


uProxy is built using the following tools:

  • Grunt to write the tasks that build uProxy
  • TypeScript as the primary language we code in; this compiles to JavaScript. It gives us type-checking and has some syntax improvements on JS, while letting us incrementally migrate and easily include external JS packages and frameworks.
  • Jasmine for testing
  • Polymer for UI

To manage dependencies we use:

  • npm to install node modules that we use for our build process. (Specified in package.json)
  • Bower to install libraries that we use in the UI (specified in bower.json) including Polymer.

Development setup

Please read the uProxy Coding Guide to learn more about contributing to uProxy. For a high level technical overview of uProxy, see the uProxy Design Doc.

Prerequisites to build uProxy

Note: you will either need to run these as root, or set the directories they modify (/usr/local) to being editable by your user (sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local)

  • git

    • Most machines will have git pre-installed. If you need to install git, you can find instructions from the git website.
    • For Windows, install the desktop git app, which provides an easy-to-use interface for git.
  • node and npm (Node's package manager):

    • On Mac with Brew, you can do: brew install node (You may need to update your brew package manager, e.g. brew update). You can also install directly from a Mac package off the NodeJS Website.

      • If you do not have Homebrew, you can install it by running ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    • On Ubuntu, you can do apt-get install nodejs.

    • You may need to create a symlink (if we are not running legacy node)
      Use this:
      ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

    • On Archlinux, you can do 'pacman -S nodejs'.

    • On Windows, you can download the installer from the NodeJS Website.

    • You may need to set your $NODE_PATH environment variable appropriately (e.g. it might be: /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules).

    • To run binaries from globally-installed npm packages without fully-qualifying paths, make sure you have added your npm bin directory to your path

      • on Mac or Ubuntu, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/npm/bin/grunt
      • on Windows,
        • Open Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings
        • In the Advanced tab, click on "Environment Variables"
        • In System Variables, click on "Path" (or "PATH")
        • At the end of the "Variable value:" string, append a ";" and the path to your bin directory, e.g. "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\lib;C:\Users<YOUR_PATH>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli\bin"
  • Grunt: Install globally with npm install -g grunt-cli

    • To install globally on Windows, open the command prompt as admin and then run the command

Building uProxy from source

  1. In your terminal, navigate to a directory where you would like to download uProxy. E.g., cd ~/uProxy

  2. Clone the uProxy repository: git clone https://github.com/uProxy/uProxy.git or git clone git@github.com:uProxy/uproxy.git if you have your ssh access to GitHub set up (useful if you use 2-step auth for GitHub, which you should do).

  3. Navigate into uProxy's root directory with cd uproxy

  4. Setup build tools and third-party dependencies:

  • In OS X or Linux, run ./setup.sh install
  • In Windows, run .\setup.cmd install instead (in cmd or PowerShell).
  1. Run grunt - this will build everything, including uProxy for Chrome and Firefox.

Note that if any local dependencies have changed (i.e. changes to bower dependencies, updates to FreeDOM), you will have to run ./setup.sh install to update these dependencies, then rerun grunt

Installing and running


These are the steps to try uProxy in the Chrome browser.

  • In Chrome, go to chrome://extensions, make sure 'Developer mode' is enabled
  • Click 'Load unpacked extension...' and select build/dev/uproxy/chrome/app
  • Click 'Load unpacked extension...' and select build/dev/uproxy/chrome/extension

You need both the uProxy Chrome App and the uProxy Extension.

You can use grunt build_chrome from the root directory of the repository to re-compile just Chrome components.


These are the steps to try uProxy in the Firefox browser.

  • To run the add-on you need to have the Firefox add-on SDK installed. Instructions can be found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Tutorials/Installation

    • A quick way to get started is to download/extract the zip mentioned in "Prerequisites"
  • Run cd build/dev/uproxy/firefox

  • Run cfx run and Firefox should launch with the uProxy add-on installed

You can use grunt build_firefox from the root directory of the repository to compile just Firefox comonents.

Development and re-building uProxy

uProxy uses the Grunt build system for its build tasks. Here is a list of uProxy's Grunt commands:

  • build - Builds everything, making stuff in the build directory (and runs tests).
  • build_chrome - Build Chrome app and extension * build_chrome_app - Build just Chrome app * build_chrome_ext - Build just Chrome extension
  • build_firefox - Build just Firefox
  • dist - Generates distribution files, including the Firefox xpi
  • clean - Cleans up
  • test - Run unit tests
  • integration_test - Run integration tests
  • everything - 'build', 'test' and then 'integration_test'

The easiest way to stay current is to pull changes, run grunt build to build your distribution, and re-run as you make changes to the files.

Before submitting any changes to the repository, make sure to run grunt test to make sure it passes all unit tests. Failing tests are enough to immediately reject submissions. :)

Fixing compilation and setup

  • If something is going wrong during the build process, please try running grunt clean, ./setup.sh clean, and re-running ./setup.sh install

  • If things are not working, check that you have recent versions of bower, npm, and node.

Layout of files

Configuration and setup files

  • Gruntfile.js a file that specifies common tasks, e.g. how to build and package uProxy.
  • bower.json specifies dependent libraries from Bower.
  • package.json specifies dependent libraries from NPM.
  • .gitignore what git should ignore
  • .bowerrc tells bower where to put files
  • .travis.yml Travis auto-testing
  • tools directory contains some typescript and javascript to help Grunt.
  • third_party/tsd.json specifies the typescript definitions to use

Source code

  • src holds all source code; no compiled files
  • src/generic_ui generic user interface code
  • src/generic_core generic uproxy core-functionality code
  • src/chrome/app code specific to the chrome app
  • src/chrome/extension code specific to the chrome extension
  • src/firefox code specific to firefox
  • third_party holds external libraries we depend on that are copied into this repository
  • node_modules dynamically generated npm module dependencies
  • scraps temporary holding for sharing scraps of code

Dynamically created directories (grunt clean should remove them)

  • build created by grunt tasks; holds the built code, but none of the code that was compiled.
  • build/dist created by grunt tasks; holds final distribution versions
  • .grunt holds grunt cache stuff
  • .tscache holds typescript cache stuff

Glossary of frameworks you need to know about

  • Bower (and the bower.json file) - a package manager for the web. Used for javascript and web-libraries that the extension uses (e.g. angular). Note: this uses the file .bowerrc to specify where bower components get installed (in third_party/bower_components)
  • Coveralls: a continuous coverage checking system
  • Grunt (and the Gruntfile.js file) - a JavaScript task runner, used for compilation/building
  • Jasmine - a testing framework for JavaScript.
  • Karma - a test runner
  • NPM (and the package.json file): NPM (node package manager) us used to specify dependencies on node modules we use for compilation, e.g. typescript and grunt. These dependencies get places in the node_modules directory
  • Travis: a continuous build system
  • TypeScript as the primary language, which compiles to JavaScript. This does type checking and has some syntax improvements on JS, while letting us incrementally migrate and easily include external JS packages and frameworks