
A trivial counter program I use for debugging tracers

Primary LanguageC

Counter is a small process which counts upwards at a programmable interval.  It can also be asked to allocate a block of memory of varying size and write alternating zeros and ones (0x55 or ASCII: 'U') across the memory range before beginning its count.  This particular program was used in the debugging of memsnap.  It may also be useful in a quick test for other types of debuggers and tracers.

In its own words:
$ counter -h
Usage: counter <options>
        -h Print usage
        -s <sec> Specify time interval in seconds
        -m <ms> Specify time interval in milliseconds
        -u <us> Specify time interval in microseconds
        -G <GBs> Number of gigabytes of memory to allocate
        -M <MBs> Number of megabytes of memory to allocate
        -K <KBs> Nunber of kilobytes of memory to allocate
        -f <final> Final count