
Hyperledger Composer sample. A ticket marketplace for buying and selling event tickets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Event Ticket Network

This is a ticket marketplace demo for Hyperledger Composer. Create events (eg sporting events, concerts, church picnics etc) and create tickets for those events. Event tickets can be bought at face value and then redeemed at the event. Buyers can list tickets they have bought and other buyers can buy them (usuallyat prices higher than face value). By using a Blockchain to record all these transactions, buyers can be assured that they are buying legitimate tickets eliminating much of the fraud that happens on marketplaces like Craigslist. The blockchain will record the entire lifecycle of each ticket, from the point when it is issued, to when it's sold (and possibly resold multiple times ) to when it is redeeemed.

Business Network Description

This business network defines:


Member EventHost

Member - A member of the general public that can buy and resell tickets.

EventHost - The entity hosting an event and issuing tickets for it.


Ticket TicketListing Event

Event An event for which tickets are issued.

Ticket - An individual ticket to a specific event.

TicketListing - A listing to resell a ticket already purchased for an event


CreateTicketedEvent RedeemTicket SellTicket ResellTicket

CreateTicketedEvent - Creates an event as well as the associated tickets.

SellTicket - Used to record the sale of a ticket by the Event Host to a member.

ResellTicket - Used to record the resale of a ticket to another member.

RedeemTicket - Records when the ticket is used at the event.


You need the following software:

  • An Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome web browser.

Part 1. Initial set up

  1. Create a folder on your local machine for this lab and download the following file to it:


  2. Launch Hyperledger Composer in your browser using the following URL https://composer-playground.mybluemix.net/

    Click on Deploy a new business network.

    Click on Drop here to upload or browse.

    Select the file ticketmarketplace.bna that you just downloaded and then click on Deploy.

    Click on Connect now -> in the tile for the Business Network you just deployed

    Click the Test tab

Part 2. Test the Business Network

  1. Test the network by creating participants, assets and running some transactions.

    In the EventHost participant registry, create a new participant with the following data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.EventHost",
      "email": "jones@email.com",
      "firstName": "Pastor",
      "lastName": "Jones"

    In the Member participant registry, create two participants with the following data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Member",
      "email": "memberA@email.com",
      "firstName": "Amy",
      "lastName": "Williams"
      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Member",
      "email": "memberB@email.com",
      "firstName": "Billy",
      "lastName": "Thompson"

    Submit a CreateTicketedEvent transaction, by clicking on Submit Transaction and selecting CreateTicketedEvent from the dropdown. Use the following input data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.CreateTicketedEvent",
      "eventId": "1001",
      "date": "09/21/2017",
      "description": "Church Picnic",
      "venue": "Austin Methodist Church",
      "eventType": "OPEN_SEATING",
      "numberOfTickets": 5,
      "ticketFaceValue": 10,
      "host": {
        "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.EventHost",
        "email": "jones@email.com",
        "firstName": "Pastor",
        "lastName": "Jones"

    Submit a SellTicket transaction, by submitting a transaction and selecting SellTicket from the dropdown. Use the following input data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.SellTicket",
      "salePrice": 10,
      "buyer": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Member#memberA@email.com",
      "ticket": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Ticket#1"

    In the TicketListing asset registry create a new ticket listing. Use the following input data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.TicketListing",
      "listingId": "1",
      "state": "FOR_SALE",
      "listingPrice": 12,
      "ticket": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Ticket#1"

    Submit a ResellTicket transaction, by submitting a transaction and selecting ResellTicket from the dropdown. Use the following input data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.ResellTicket",
      "salePrice": 12,
      "buyer": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Member#memberB@email.com",
      "listing": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.TicketListing#1"

    Submit a UseTicket transaction, by submitting a transaction and selecting UseTicket from the dropdown. Use the following input data.

      "$class": "org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.UseTicket",
      "ticket": "resource:org.ibm.demo.ticketmarketplace.Ticket#1"

    If you click on the Ticket asset registry you can check the status of each Ticket. You should see that one ticket was redeemed and all the others are unsold.

    Congratulations! You've successfully created and tested a Business Network.