
Help translate Comet Backup

Comet Backup translations

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Help translate Comet

We're committed to making Comet available in different languages.

Our first option is to translate in-house. Mostly our staff speak English, so, we are limited in what we can do.

Our second option is to contract an external company to provide translations. However, such companies are often not aware of specific technical terms, or how things work in this industry.

Hence we turn to our third option: our customers. You know the industry; you know the software; you know the language. If you want to help improve Comet, we would really appreciate any language translation assistance you can offer.

How to help

Comet uses the industry-standard Gettext (.po) file format for translations. You can download the files and edit them with a free tool like PoEdit or even a plain-text editor like Notepad or Vim.

You can modify the existing translation for a file (such as comet.nl_NL.po for Dutch) or, create a new language translation from the .pot file.

Please modify the included files, and either

  • send them back to us via the support ticket system at CometBackup.com, or
  • create a pull request on GitHub.

We will include your translation in the next available version of Comet.

Current translation coverage

Table last regenerated 2019-07-23

Code Language Words Phrases Translation percent
- English 6080 1580 100
de_DE Deutsch 2385 705 44.62
es_ES Español 7004 1455 92.09
fr_FR Français 5552 1216 76.96
he_IL עברית‬ 4740 1252 79.24
hr_HR Hrvatski 4224 1187 75.13
it_IT Italiano 5043 1216 76.96
nl_NL Nederlands 1846 522 33.04
pt_BR Português (Brazil) 5259 1215 76.9
pt_PT Português (Europe) 6427 1475 93.35
ru_RU Русский 6115 1559 98.67