
Solidity contracts to allow to upgrade any pausable token

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Coverage Status

BitClave implementation of TokenWrapper contract to upgrade any existing pausable OpenZeppelin token


  1. Install truffle globally with npm install -g truffle
  2. Install ganache-cli globally with npm install -g ganache-cli
  3. Install local packages with npm install
  4. Run ganache-cli in separate terminal scripts/rpc.sh
  5. Run tests with npm test

On macOS you also need to install watchman: brew install watchman


  1. Add any functionality to your token without migrating any holders
  2. Requires token to be at least Pausable
  3. Supports a lot of OpenZeppelin tokens:
    • BasicTokenWrapper for BasicToken
    • StandardTokenWrapper for StandardToken
    • BurnableTokenWrapper for BurnableToken
    • MintableToken itself
    • More coming soon ...

Example of simple MyToken upgrade

contract MyToken is StandardToken, PausableToken {

    string public constant symbol = "MYT";
    string public constant name = "MyToken";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
    string public constant version = "1.0";

    function MyToken() public {
        totalSupply_ = 1000000 * 10**decimals;
        balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply_;

You just need to pause() it and create new upgraded token, based on the previous one:

contract MyToken2 is StandardTokenWrapper, PausableToken {

    string public constant symbol = "MYT";
    string public constant name = "MyToken";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
    string public constant version = "2.0";

    function MyToken2(address _token) public StandardTokenWrapper(_token) {

    // Modern approve method from ERC827
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes _data) public returns(bool) {
        require(_spender != address(this));
        super.approve(_spender, _value);
        return true;
