
Garmin FR70 extractor on Linux (Mint XFCE)


Garmin FR70 extractor on Linux (Mint XFCE) I'm not sure if this is accurate or not. This is my first experience with linux and this is close to my first experience with any type of computer programming. I am trying to get a USB 2.0 ANT stick for my Garmin FR70 watch to work with Linux. I have read the items in TIGGE's Garmin-Forerunner-610-Extractor repository.


  • PyUSB 1.0 (seems to be a bug which makes it segfaults on version before Alpha 2). It is recommended to use pip to install PyUSB:

    pip install pyusb

  • Install udev rules (recommended). This is only needed if you want to avoid running the program as root. Install with:

    sudo cp resources/ant-usbstick2.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

Supported devices

Any compliant ANT-FS device should in theory work. Users of these device have been able to download data of their watches:

  • Garmin FR70

It's possible that other manufactures using ANT+/ANT-FS, such as Suunto and Timex might work, but have never been tested as far as I know. Please let me know if you have any success with devices that are not listed here.


Usage: python garmin.py

This program extracts all activity FIT files from a device and writes them to a folder (see file locations below). The first time it runs it attempts to sync with the watch. This produces an authfile which is written to the same folder. On startup this program will try to read that file to avoid having to re-sync.

File locations

Simple answer (probably correct for most people):

  • Your files are placed in ~/.config/garmin-extractor/

Correct answer:

  • FIT files and authfiles are stored in an the location specified by the XDG Base Directory specification. It uses the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME with $HOME/.config as backup. In this directory a garmin-extractor folder is created in which a folder for each device is created. Both the .FIT files and authfile are stored in this device-specific folder.