Application technical stack

The application runs on springboot backed by an in-memory H2 database. The db state is reset at each application reboot with 3 pre-filled feedback.

The client side code is located in src/main/resources/static. It does not rely on any framework or third party lib.

How to run the server

Execute ./mvmw spring-boot:run in a terminal. This builds the application and run the server.

How to use the application


Use the radio-button above to filter or change the time ordering direction (I know, pretty ugly :-) )

Click on the link below to add a new Feedback. You will be redirected to the form page :


From here you can add one feedback. Once feedback added successfully, a success notification appears, and the submit button disappears (user is not supposed to enter several feedback in a row).

Note : the corner case consisting in submitting a blank message (one or several spaces) is not handled properly. More generally, i didn't put so much effort in UX quality, we can discuss what may be improved for a production grade.

How to execute tests

Execute ./mvmw test