
SurrealDB Data Provider and Auth Provider for React Admin

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SurrealDB Data Provider and Auth Provider for React Admin

This package provides a data provider and auth provider for react admin to integrate with SurrealDB. It uses surrealdb.js as driver to the database.



yarn add ra-surrealdb

Standalone Data Provider

In your code:

import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { surrealDbDataProvider, useRaSurrealDb } from 'ra-surrealdb';

const App = () => (
        url: '',
        signinOptions: {
          NS: 'test',
          DB: 'test',
          SC: 'account_scope',
          user: 'user',
          pass: 'password',
    <Resource name="article" list={ArticleList} />
export default App;

The hook useRaSurrealDb creates the connexion to SurrealDB. It takes these parameters:

  • the url of the database;
  • signinOptions is the Auth object used by SurrealDB to connect.
  • localStorage, if set to a string then the library stores the auth informations (jwt token) in local storage. If not set the auth informations are stored in memory and are reseted on page reload. The string represents the key used in the local storage.

The result of the hook is passed to the provider function surrealDbDataProvider.

Data Provider with Auth Provider

import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { surrealDbAuthProvider, surrealDbDataProvider, useRaSurrealDb } from 'ra-surrealdb';

const App = () => {
  const surreal = useRaSurrealDb({
    url: '',
    signinOptions: {
      NS: 'test',
      DB: 'test',
      SC: 'account_scope',
  const authProvider = surrealDbAuthProvider(surreal);
  const dataProvider = surrealDbDataProvider(surreal);
  return (
    <Admin authProvider={authProvider} dataProvider={dataProvider}>
      <Resource name="article" list={ArticleList} />
export default App;

useRaSurrealDb creates a connexion to SurrealDB. The same result is sent to both the auth provider and the data provider.

DataProvider with custom queries

All queries can be customized when you call useRasurrealDb. The queries option have the following structure:

{resource_name: {


In this example, we manage relations in custom queries.

const surreal = useRaSurrealDb({
  /* ... */
  queries: {
    person: {
      getOne: async (resource: string, { id }: GetOneParams, db: Surreal) => {
        const results = await db.query<Result<Person[]>[]>(
          `select *, ->parent->person.* as parents from ${id};`
        const result = results[0].result?.[0];
        if (result) return result;
        else throw new Error('Person not found');
      create: async (resource: string, { data }: CreateParams<Person>, db: Surreal) => {
        const { parents, ...person } = data;
        const relations = (
            ? parents.map(
                ({ person, role }) =>
                  `RELATE $p->parent->${person} SET time.written = time::now(), role = "${role}";`
            : []
        const q = `BEGIN;
LET $p = (CREATE ${resource} CONTENT $person);
        const results = await db.query<Result<Person[]>[]>(q, { person });
        const result = results?.[1].result?.[0];
        if (result === undefined) throw new Error('');
        return result;
      /* ... */


useRaSurrealDb accepts an option named getIdentity. The function signature is: (id: Identifier, db: Surreal) => Promise<UserIdentity>;

An example is present in src/App.tsx.


useRaSurrealDb accepts an option named getPermissions. The function signature is: (id: Identifier, db: Surreal, params: any) => Promise<any>.


The library code is in ./src/lib.

The repository also provides an example in ./src/App.tsx.

To run the example, you need to setup a SurrealDB instance. It can be launch with the following commands:

docker compose up -d
curl -k -L -s --compressed POST --header "Accept: application/json" --header "NS: test" --header "DB: test" --user "root:root" --data-binary "@surreal_example.sql" http://localhost:8000/sql

Then launch the app:

yarn dev

The login is user:password ...