
📅 Generates URLs and downloads ICS files for adding events to popular calendar apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A library for adding events to calendar apps. It supports .ics files for iCalendar and Office Outlook, and also supports Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar and Outlook Online.

Code coverage Build status Dependency Status npm version License | MIT


See the full documentation here

Quick start


yarn add datebook

Example usage

import { ICalendar } from 'datebook'

const icalendar = new ICalendar({
  title: 'Happy Hour',
  location: 'The Bar, New York, NY',
  description: 'Let\'s blow off some steam from our weekly deployments to enjoy a tall cold one!',
  start: '20190704T190000',
  end: '20190704T210000',
  recurrence: {
    frequency: 'WEEKLY',
    interval: 2


Available classes


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Available here.