(You might want to start in the next section.)
Take out the garbage before checking for leaks. I noticed that ObservableTracker is implemented with WeakReferences, which means maybe it's not reasonable to assert that it's empty until a GC has run?
In any case, I think commit 60316f3 proves that (a) garbage collection doesn't clear out refs to subscriptions that aren't disposed (b) it does clear out refs to subscriptions that are disposed.
The native aot build hasn't errored in 100+ runs.
diff --git a/ConsoleAppTestSubject/Program.cs b/ConsoleAppTestSubject/Program.cs
index 8c5e410..6195f60 100644
--- a/ConsoleAppTestSubject/Program.cs
+++ b/ConsoleAppTestSubject/Program.cs
@@ -14,9 +14,15 @@ class Program
container.AbsolutePath.Value = args[0];
+ // prove the gc isn't clearing out the tracker
+ GC.Collect();
+ ObservableTracker.ForEachActiveTask(x => Console.WriteLine($"{x.TrackingId}: {x.FormattedType}"));
+ // [/prove]
await Task.Delay(3_000);
+ GC.Collect();
bool any = false;
ObservableTracker.ForEachActiveTask(x =>
I've been using Cysharp/R3 with AvaloniaUI. I suspected I'm leaking subscriptions all over the place. So I wrote a stripped down copy of a view model and turned on the ObservableTracker. I promptly found a ton of undisposed subscriptions.
I'm thinking I can shove all this into a unit test and assert that after diposing the main view model, there are no subscriptions left open. I have not been able to get that test to pass.
So I started hacking away at my view model until I got what I think is the smallest not-passing example.
I don't understand why it doesn't pass. It passes sometimes. So there's a race condition. Most likely I'm misusing something, just not sure what?
First build the project that will reproduce the bug:
dotnet publish ConsoleAppTestSubject -c release
Try running it once. It often succeeds the first time, but sometimes doesn't.
./artifacts/publish/ConsoleAppTestSubject/release/ConsoleAppTestSubject ./readme.md
Run it repeatedly until it fails:
dotnet run --project ConsoleAppRunner -- ./artifacts/publish/ConsoleAppTestSubject/release/ConsoleAppTestSubject ./readme.md
I've never seen it fail running like dotnet run
I'm most interested in the native aot release build.
But it's worth noting I've never seen it fail in this loop:
while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do dotnet run --project ConsoleAppTestSubject -- ./readme.md; done
Here's what I usually see. This time, it ran twelve times, then failed.
Path: ./readme.md
Hash: 9dd7676b5f4742f3f5c8e109a7ee31b0869aee19
$ ./artifacts/publish/ConsoleAppTestSubject/release/ConsoleAppTestSubject ./readme.md
Path: ./readme.md
Hash: 9dd7676b5f4742f3f5c8e109a7ee31b0869aee19
$ ./artifacts/publish/ConsoleAppTestSubject/release/ConsoleAppTestSubject ./readme.md
Path: ./readme.md
Hash: 9dd7676b5f4742f3f5c8e109a7ee31b0869aee19
TrackingState { TrackingId = 1, FormattedType = ReactiveProperty`1.ObserverNode<String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x14c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
TrackingState { TrackingId = 2, FormattedType = SelectAwait`2.SelectAwaitSwitch<String, String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x14c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
TrackingState { TrackingId = 3, FormattedType = ReactiveProperty`1.ObserverNode<String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Merge`1.SubscribeCore(Observer`1) + 0xfc
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x220
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
TrackingState { TrackingId = 4, FormattedType = AsUnitObservable`1._AsUnitObservable<String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at R3.Merge`1.SubscribeCore(Observer`1) + 0xfc
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x220
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
TrackingState { TrackingId = 5, FormattedType = ReactiveProperty`1.ObserverNode<String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Merge`1.SubscribeCore(Observer`1) + 0xfc
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x220
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
TrackingState { TrackingId = 6, FormattedType = AsUnitObservable`1._AsUnitObservable<String>, AddTime = 10/23/2024 16:38:14, StackTrace = at R3.Merge`1.SubscribeCore(Observer`1) + 0xfc
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at R3.Observable`1.Subscribe(Observer`1) + 0x1c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Container..ctor() + 0x220
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>d__0.MoveNext() + 0x70
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine&) + 0x40
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.Main(String[]) + 0x2c
at ConsoleAppTestSubject.Program.<Main>(String[] args) + 0x10
at ConsoleAppTestSubject!<BaseAddress>+0x16dfc8
🚨 fail
Ran 12 times.
Unhandled exception. Chell.ProcessTaskException: Process '/opt/homebrew/bin/bash' (85582) has exited with exit code 255. (Executed command: /opt/homebrew/bin/bash -c "set -euo pipefail;./artifacts/publish/ConsoleAppTestSubject/release/ConsoleAppTestSubject ./readme.md")
at Chell.ProcessTask.AsTaskCore()
at Chell.ProcessTask.AsTask()
at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in /Users/jacob/dev/me/active/ava/LeftoverSubscriptionsRepro/ConsoleAppRunner/Program.cs:line 21
at Program.<Main>(String[] args)