Credibility Graphs


This project implements operators of the multi-source belief revision as presented in: Tamargo, Luciano H., et al. On the revision of informant credibility orders. Artificial Intelligence, 2014.



  • Java 8 or higher.
  • Git

Installation steps:

  1. Install Graphviz.

  2. Add Graphviz to your system PATH variable. You have to modify the variable to include Graphviz's binaries. This page shows how to modify the PATH variable in several Windows versions.

    You modify the variable by appending the location of Graphviz's bin directory. If the directory was located at C:\Program Files\Graphviz\bin, you'd append: ;C:\Program Files\Graphviz\bin -- mind the semicolon at the beginning.

  3. Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.

  4. To clone the project, start IDEA, select Checkout from Version Control, then select Git (not GitHub), and in the Git Repository URL write:

    Open the project when prompted. The examples are provided in src/main/java/credibilitypgraphs/