Instagram API client
- promises
npm install --save igram
See the documentation.
- npm run test :
NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha
- npm run docs :
./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc --configure .jsdoc.config.json
- npm run readme :
Package | Version | Dev |
debug | ^2.2.0 | ✖ |
got | ^6.3.0 | ✖ |
jsdoc | ^3.4.0 | ✔ |
minami | ^1.1.1 | ✔ |
mocha | ^3.0.2 | ✔ |
nock | ^9.0.2 | ✔ |
node-readme | ^0.1.9 | ✔ |
should | ^11.1.0 | ✔ |
Contributions welcome; Please submit all pull requests the against master branch. If your pull request contains JavaScript patches or features, you should include relevant unit tests. Please check the Contributing Guidelines for more details. Thanks!
David Jelić