
Experiment with ccminer

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


How to use

Prerequisite: A machine (physical or virtual) that can use CUDA-enabled GPUs; How new of a GPU, or the CUDA compute capability of the card, depends on the algorithm you are mining

Installing stuff to make this run

  1. Install the Cuda drivers for your machine (this depends on the Linux distribution, but you can also consult the nVidia downloads page to see which distributions are supported https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux )
  2. Install nvidia-docker https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker

Usage example

Assuming you are running as root or as a user that is part of the docker group):

nvidia-docker run --rm patrickceg/ccminer ccminer -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://imaginedpool.doesnotexist.net:1234 -u myuser.w1 -p x

This example mines with the settings:

  • Algorithm lyra2v2
  • Server using stratum+tcp on imaginedpool.doesnotexist.net port 1234
  • Username myuser.w1
  • Password x

About the Docker image / Github

This is an experiment with ccminer from https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer

I used this personally to mine for a few months now on a GTX 1080, and recently on a GTX 660 Ti (mainly to heat the room in the winter more than for coins).

The Docker Hub build https://hub.docker.com/r/patrickceg/ccminer/

The repository https://github.com/patrickceg/docker-ccminer