
RSS to Slack Nagios plugin

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

rss-to-slack Nagios plugin

Simple plugin to send RSS updates to a Slack channel.


Posts a message from Nagios to a Slack channel whenver an RSS feed gets updated. Requires the Incoming Webhooks integration to be enabled for Slack.

The plugin is written in Perl and requires the following modules:

  • JSON
  • XML::XPath
  • Getopt::Long
  • Digest::SHA1
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • HTTP::Request::Common

While this plugin is written with Nagios in mind, it can of course run as a stand-alone script from crontab or whatever scheduler you prefer, as long as the script executes properly on the target platform.

Example usage:

./rss2slack.pl \
    --cache-file=/var/tmp/nagios/rss2slack.dat \
    --slack-botname='Nagios Bot' \
    --slack-channel='#operations' \
    --slack-api-endpoint='T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \

(Where slack-api-endpoint is the string after /services/ generated when setting up your Incoming Webhook URL for Slack.)