
See various Coins and their historical performance

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stock Pro Viewer Duplicate

Finding the right stock or coin can be a challenge! Look at these historical charts to find the right investment vehicle.

Getting Started

Clone this repository on your local machine. Download or Pull This Repo Top of this page you can see where it says clone or download

Install Node https://nodejs.org/en/

Install all the node packages On the root of this project run on your terminal (if you want you can do this with yarn but thats optional)

npm install

Update the node packages On the root of this project run on your terminal (if you want you can do this with yarn but thats optional)

npm update

Start the server

npm run watch

After cloning, install the dependencies using npm install. Also use npm update to install anything that is lacking.

Start the project by using npm run watch.

Use localhost:3000 to view the project in your browser.


You will need a package manager, either using NPM or Yarn. This project used NPM, but should be replicable using yarn.

Built With:

React NPM - Dependency Management Heroku - Deployment Site SASS - CSS Preprocessor Images from Pexels and Upslash Babel Gulp


Desmend Jetton

License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Thank you to the React collective.