
Macalas board games: Wari, Um El Gabara, Bao etc..

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


This is mostly for my own learnings of Clojure but I'm hoping this amounts to a fun set of mancalas games of many varieties: Wari, Bao, Um El Gabara ... as many as I can both find playable rules for and have time to code. The loftiest goal here is having a game that you can play (ON A COMPUTERIZED MOBILE PHONE!!!!!) that does none of the following:

  • offers in-app purchases
  • shows you ads
  • makes noise
  • makes music
  • mentions any of my other brainfart games (or shows you ads)
  • shows you the score
  • shows you numbers
  • gives you any control over time or space or attention

I welcome reviewing any pull requests for new games, corrections to docs (1) or code that is incorrect with regard to rules of the specific game, historical origins, cultures associated with game etc. As a disclaimer, my principle reference at this point is a single book sitting next to my laptop (Russ 2000) (2).

The only UI so far this has are files in mancalas.live package - so you'll need editor with live coding capabilities (LightTable, emacs, vim fireplace, etc) to play. Eventually I'm aiming for simple web based interface so I might retarget to ClojureScript or keep base game logic modules portable between Clojure and ClojureScript.

I dunno, I have two kids and an enterprisey office job so just authoring this README is pretty ambitious for me. So don't expect much here and I won't make pleas for any money. Deal?

[1] And you're all: Yeah, what documentation?

[2] Russ, Larry The Complete Manacala Games Book, 2000 Print.