This method implements the PCARD ensemble algorithm. PCARD ensemble method is a distributed upgrade of the method present in [1]. The algorithm performs Random Discretization and Principal Components Analysis to the input data, then joins the results and trains a decision tree on it.
This software has been proved with five large real-world datasets such as:
- Poker dataset: 1M instances and 11 attributes.
- SUSY dataset: 5M instances and 18 attributes.
- HIGGS dataset: 11M instances and 28 attributes.
- Epsilon dataset: 400K instances and 2K attributes.
- A dataset selected for the GECCO-2014 in Vancouver, July 13th, 2014 competition, which comes from the Protein Structure Prediction field ( We have created an oversampling version of this dataset with 65 million instances, 631 attributes and 2 classes.
- We outperform the original proposal and Random Forest implementation in MLlib for all datasets.
- For epsilon dataset, we have outperformed the results of Random Forest by 5% less error with just 10 trees, compared to a Random Forest with up to 500 trees.
val nTrees = 10
val nBins = 5
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
val pcard = new PCARDClassifier()
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(labelIndexer, pcard, labelConverter))
val model =
val predictions = model.transform(testData)
import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree._
val nTrees = 10
val nBins = 5
// Data must be cached in order to improve the performance
val pcardModel = PCARD.train(trainingData, // RDD[LabeledPoint]
nTrees, // size of the ensemble
nBins) // number of thresholds by feature
val predicted = pcardModel.predict(testData) // RDD[LabeledPoint]
[1] A. Ahmad and G. Brown, "Random Projection Random Discretization Ensembles - Ensembles of Linear Multivariate Decision Trees", Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, pp. 1225–1239, May 2014.