Spring Integration with WebClient

I am attempting to perform a simple set of operations to retrieve a set of objects and enrich them with additional information.

This is a contrived example but is representative of the operation I'm trying to perform.

There are 5 total endpoints in use

  • /myobject - Gets a list of IDs of MyObject available in the system
  • /myobject/{id} - Gets a singular MyObject based on id
  • /myobject/{id}/secondary - Gets the secondary information of MyObject with id
  • /myobject/{id}/tertiary - Gets the tertiary information of MyObject with id
  • /integration-flow - Attempts to execute an integration flow

Flow Diagram

Integration Flow Diagram

The Issue

The problem I'm encountering is that making the calls out for the secondary information to enrich the content are stalling out and there does not seem to be a way around it.