Primary LanguageRuby


This is an REST API develop for testing my skills in the job's select proccess of the gocase


  • Framework: Ruby on Rails
  • Database: PostgreSQL

For Using

Install gems

 $ bundle install

Create database

 $ rake db:create

Create Tables and Triggers in Database

 $ rake db:migrate

Populate Database with survivors

 $ rake db:seed

Start serve

 $ rails s

This is command line for create triggers if you need change anything

 * Generate triggers. (don't need run this, please not run this if your not know how use)
 $ rake db:generate_trigger_migration

For Testing

Default Route

    URL: localhost:3000/api/v1/

Show all survivors order by name

    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/survivors

Show survivor by id

    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/survivors/:id

Create new register of survivor

    POST: localhost:3000/api/v1/survivors
        "name":"Djheyson Oliveira",
        "age": 23,
        "latitude": 77.332874,
        "longitude": -29.017317


Update Location

    PUT: localhost:3000/api/v1/survivors/update-location/:id

        "latitude": 24.332874,
        "longitude": -33.017317

    {"latitude": Decimal, "longitude": Decimal}

Report Abductedion

    POST: localhost:3000/api/v1/report

        "survivor_report_id": 4,
        "survivor_abducted_id": 3

    {"survivor_report_id": Integer, "survivor_abducted_id": Integer}


  • Percentage of abducted survivors.
    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/report/abducteds/
  • Percentage of non-abducted survivors.
    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/report/non-abducteds/
  • List of all survivors names, by alphabetic order, with an identification to know who was abducted.

All Infomations

    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/survivors/

List of names, by alphabetic order, is Abudcted?

    GET localhost:3000/api/v1/report/survivors

Last Location by id

    GET: localhost:3000/api/v1/report/last-location/:id


I Realy liked developing this REST API, I wanted to learn about Ruby and the framework Rails, but I didn't start yet, with this opportunity I could praticed and see little a little bit bit how Ruby on Rails worked.

About the code. I applied some simple techniques.

In the Database I created three tables:

  • survivors: This table keeps all the basic informations of the people. As flag abducted is for determine if that survivor is abducted or non-abducted, basically.

  • log_location: This table is for keeping the informations of the all locations registered in the base, I created this table in case other survivor wants to track one person. A Trigger is responsible for inserting new rows in that table whenever a location in table survivors is changed.

  • report_abduceted: This table is for keeping the abduction reports of anyone. In this case I created one filter for a survivor report an abduction if they haven't been abducted and they don't report its own abduction. Whenever one data is inserted in the table a trigger is executed checking if that reported survivor has three or more reports, if it has the trigger will update the row of that survivor in the Table survivors checking true in the column "abducted".

I opted for using triggers because it is more confortable for me, Using this technique I can let the database execute some functions and don't leave all codes for my controller. And sometimes it's faster to use triggers.


During the process I thought about some cases that weren't required, but would be Interesting to treat.

  • What's missing:
  • Survivors that have escaped from the "matrix" -> what happens? do the abducted status reset? and if the swapped survivor is ther on the streets? how to deal with these cases? kill the imposter?
  • A survivor can report an abduction more than once, I didn't treat this specific case, but it wouldn't be difficult because I've already created a table that registers who has reported each other. :)
  • What can be added:
  • I believe that developing an app as a view to show the result would be valid, I'm thinking about developing a PWA later for learning purposes.

Anyhow, I'm very grateful for being part of this selection, and I hope that you like my code. During the development I've faced some difficulties like trigger creation, mainly becaus of my lack of knowledge about the framwork, thath's why I ended not refactoring the models as i would like, but I understood its functionality and I'm willing to enhance my Rails knowledges, because I thought it was fun developing on it. Well, I think this is it, once more thanks for the challenge, it was very fun, I think I'll make the PWA now. ;)