
Magento 2 extension example

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a very basic custom module developed by considering all coding standards and structure of latest version of Magento 2. By referring this module magento developers can learn easily how to create a custom module in Magento 2
This module have following features:

  • Table and data creation schema file
  • News Creation/Edition/Deletion from Admin panel
  • Admin Grid listing all News
  • Image upload with each news item from admin panel
  • List all news on frontend with pagination
  • News access link added in footer
  • Send news to all customers in email using Cron

1. Create a "code" folder inside your_magento_webroot/app folder.
2. Put this Module inside "code" folder. app/code/Magentostudy/News
3. execute command "php magento setup:upgrade"