
Java Mailbox Emulation

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

MailBox Emulation

Java Mailbox Emulation.

#Main goals and Topic

Main goals:

  • Learn to use RMI
  • Learn distributed environment


Make a software using Java to show how a RMI architecture works. Make a server and a client version to view, send, receive micro e-mails.


  • Send a mail between clients using servers
  • Allow multiple recipients
  • Follow mails with timestamp
  • Allow to delete and store mails and accounts
  • Allow transfer between accounts

#Usage ##Installation First compile MailboxFactoryServer:

$ javac MailboxFactoryServer.java

Then, run the server:

$ java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file://$pwd/ MailboxFactoryServer

Make sure RMI is installed and do:

$ rmic -keep Mailbox MailboxFactory
$ rmiregistry

Once it's done, let's compile the client class like this:

$ javac MailboxClient.java

##Typical client usage Create a mailbox:

$ java MailboxClient c "mailboxname@servername"


$ java MailboxClient c "mailboxname@serverIP"

Send a message:

$ java MailboxClient s "sender@serverIP" "recipient@servername" "hello"

Send a message to multiple users:

$ java MailboxClient s "sender@server" "rec1@servername;rec2@servername" "hello people"

View all mails of a mailbox:

$ java MailboxClient v mailboxname@serverIP

Delete a mail:

$ java MailboxClient d mailboxname@serverIP idmail

Configure a mail transfer:

$ java MailboxClient t initialmailbox@servername finalmailbox@serverIP

Erase a mailbox:

$ java MailboxClient e mailboxname@serverIP