
AT32F403A toggle led and SPIM demo

Primary LanguageC

Template project for the Artery AT32F403A

Template CMake project for the Artery AT32F403A Series based on the 01-template example from WeAct TC Studio's GitHub

Developed on the WeAct TC Studio Blackpill (AT32F403A) evaluation board obtainable from Aliexpress.


i. Create build system: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -B build

ii. Build firmware: cmake --build build --target all


i. The project also demos the use of SPIM (QSPI SPI Flash eXecute-in-place). This requires the use of a flash loader that can flash to the SPIM (see further below for details)

ii. To turn off the use of SPIM and use only the regular MCU flash, comment out the call to spim_init() in main.c, and change the declaration of led_toggle() in board.h to use the declaration without __attribute__

iii. The SPI Flash used in the example is a Winbond W25Q128JV and the parameters set in spim_init() are appropriate for this memory part per the AT32F403A datasheet (Type 2).


i. Assuming that SPIM XIP is not used then the firmware binary can be uploaded via DFU.

ii. To use OpenOCD a custom build is required. The appropriate patch can be found in the file at32f403a.cfg, and build instructions from the OpenOCD github

Segger JLink:

Segger JLink can be extended via the Open Flashloader framework to allow flashing to AT32F403A parts including any SPIM memory present

i. Download the Keil 5 pack from the AT32F403A resources page, and extract all the files.

ii. Extract the AT32F403A specific files with tar zxvf ArteryTek.AT32F403A_407_DFP.2.0.8.pack (note: version numbers may change)

iii. Find (or create) the JLinkDevices directory:

Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\SEGGER\JLinkDevices
Linux: $HOME/.config/SEGGER/JLinkDevices
macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/SEGGER/JLinkDevices

iv. Create a directory AT underneath this directory, e.g. .../SEGGER/JLinkDevices/AT/

v. Copy all the *.FLM files from the Flash directory of the ArteryTek.AT32F403A_407_DFP.2.0.8.pack file to the .../SEGGER/JLinkDevices/AT/ directory

vi. Finally create a file called JLinkDevices.xml in the .../SEGGER/JLinkDevices directory with the following content:

    <ChipInfo Vendor="Artery" Name="AT32F403AxG" WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x18000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M4" />
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Internal Flash Bank 1" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x100000" Loader="AT/AT32F403A_1024.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1" />
    <FlashBankInfo Name="QSPI SPIM Flash" BaseAddr="0x08400000" MaxSize="0x1000000" Loader="AT/AT32F403A_EXT_TYPE2_REAMP1_GENERAL.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" />

vii. Adjust parameters MaxSize and Loader to reflect actual MCU and SPI Flash used (e.g. Type and Remap). If no SPI Flash then the relevant FlashBankInfo line can be removed. Multiple Device blocks can be added to differentiate devices.