Server Side Google Analytics (SSGA) is a simple PHP 5 class, which allows to track server-side events and data within Google Analytics.
Drop-in solution for WordPress plugins (uses the WP HTTP API if available).
Google Analytics Server Side can be used simply in the following manner:
ssga_track( 'UA-YOUR_NUMBER', '', '/page.php' )
//create new ssga object
include 'lib/ss-ga.class.php';
$ssga = new ssga( 'UA-YOUR_NUMBER', '' );
//Set a pageview
$ssga->set_page( '/page.php' );
$ssga->set_page_title( 'Page Title' );
// Send
Set an event (based on
//$ssga as created above
$ssga->set_event( 'Feed', 'Categories', $label, $value );