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Repositories -> New
Repository Name: helloWorld
Description: Initial GitHub Repository
Install local application from:
Create location/directory on local drive for all git projects
mkdir \Users\Owner\Documents\git
Create a location/directory on local drive for project
mkdir \Users\Owner\Documents\git\helloWorld
Change to project directory
cd \Users\Owner\Documents\git\helloWorld
Initalize local repository
git init
Create local files
echo Hello World!!! > README
echo ^<!DOCTYPE HTML^>^<html^>^<body^>Hello World!!!^</body^>^</html^> > hello.html
Add local files to repository
git add README
git add hello.html
Commit local files to repository "Change comment with reason for each commit"
git commit -m "Inital Commit"
Add remote information for repository. Change user name as needed.
git remote add origin https://github.com/djlerman/helloWorld.git
Push latest commit to remote repository
git push origin master