
SSL cert and key manager

Primary LanguageLua


This is a tool that was build with the vision of having better SSL certificate management for an organisation that handles a lot of domains while keeping the process for handling the certs manual


The folowing goals are directly to be implemented in this project

  1. Store SSL certs in a DB
  2. Upload, List and download:
  • Certificates
    • Individual certificates
    • certificate chains
    • Full certificate chain
  • Keys
    • Individual keys (Downloading individual keys serves no purpose. We will always need a key associated with a cert to be used for deployment, uploading keys is implemented)
    • Keys pertaining to specific certificate
  • CSRs (To be implemented)
  1. Interface for creation of CSR from a specific key (To be implemented)
  2. Interface to list and download the above directly
  3. Interface to upload certs,keys,zip files containing individual certs.

Side goals

  1. Create a system for automated deployment of certs to places that will be using them (Given a file that knows the mappings)


  1. Clone the project
  2. run docker-compose up --build
  3. Go to
    • localhost:7000 (Listing UI)
    • localhost:7001 (Adminer - to directly make changes to the DB)
  4. To get get started with sample certs:
    • Generate Certs/keys etc using openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
    • Upload the cert/key curl --data-binary <path to cert/key>
    • Check the interface on http://localhost:7000 or the api: curl

Any kind of help is appreciated, just create an issue/MR. I am using docker for development so that individual environments should not cause issues


API Endpoint API Desc Method Body(if any) Query Parameters Query Param Values Query Param Description
/api/up Upload cert/key/zip containing certs/keys POST Binary data (crt,key,zip)
/api/list List uploaded certs GET all true List all certs (including ones without key)
issuer true Add an "issuer" field to output data
/api/down Download certs,keys GET id (required if no dn) int Download cert with the corresponding id
dn (required if no id) Download best match cert for the domain
type cert(defult) Download single cert
key Download key corresponding to selected cert
fullchain Download a full chain cert (if all certs in chain are uploaded)
ic Download Intermediate Cert


At the moment we rely on CN field to get the domains supported by cert. We are not using the SAN field as the present approach is easier and covers 99% of our current usecase.