
Simple github action to run docker-compose on remote host.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Simple github action to run docker-compose on remote host.

This action packs contents of the action workspace into archive. Logs into remote host via ssh. Unpacks the workspace there and runs docker-compose up -d command.

Comparing to other actions with similar behavior this one does not use any unknown docker-images. It is entirely built from Dockerfile on top of alpine:3.8.


  • ssh_private_key - Private SSH key used for logging into remote system. Please, keep your key securely in github secrets.
  • ssh_host - Remote host name.
  • ssh_port - Remote port for SSH connection. Default is 22.
  • ssh_user - Remote user which should have access to docker.
  • docker_compose_prefix - Project name passed to compose. Each docker container will have this prefix in name.
  • docker_compose_filename - Path to the docker-compose file in the repository.
  • use_stack - Use docker stack instead of docker-compose.
  • docker_compose_down - Execute docker-compose-down.

Usage example

Let's say we have a repo with single docker-compose file in it and remote ubuntu based server with docker and docker-compose installed.

  1. Generate key pair, do not use a password here.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 deploy_key
  1. Create a user which will deploy containers for you on the remote server, do not set password for this user:
ssh example.com
$ sudo useradd -m -b /var/lib -G docker docker-deploy
  1. Allow to log into that user with the key you generated on the step one.
scp deploy_key.pub example.com:~
ssh example.com
$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/docker-deploy/.ssh
$ sudo chown docker-deploy:docker-deploy /var/lib/docker-deploy/.ssh
$ sudo install -o docker-deploy -g docker-deploy -m 0600 deploy_key.pub /var/lib/docker-deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ sudo chmod 0500 /var/lib/docker-deploy/.ssh
$ rm deploy_key.pub
  1. Test that key works.
ssh -i deploy_key docker-deploy@example.com
  1. Add private key and user name into secrets for the repository. Let's say that names of the secrets are EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY and EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_USER.

  2. Remove your local copy of the ssh key:

rm deploy_key
  1. Setup a github-actions workflow (e.g. .github/workflows/main.yml):
name: Deploy

    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - uses: alex-ac/github-action-ssh-docker-compose@master
      name: Docker-Compose Remote Deployment
        ssh_host: example.com
        ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        ssh_user: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_USER }}
        docker_compose_prefix: example_com
  1. You're all set!

Swarm & Stack

In case you want to use some advanced features like secrets. You'll need to setup a docker swarm cluster and use docker stack command instead of the plain docker-compose. To do that just set use_stack input to "true":

name: Deploy
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - actions/chockout@v2

    - uses: djnotes/github-action-ssh-docker-compose@master
      name: Docker-Stack Remote Deployment
        ssh_host: example.com
        ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        ssh_user: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_USER }}
        docker_compose_prefix: example.com
        use_stack: 'true'

Down deploy (Docker-compose down)

If you need to run a docker-compose down to do a clean rollback. Only one down of the services will be executed To do that just set docker_compose_down input to "true":

name: Deploy
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - actions/chockout@v2

    - uses: djnotes/github-action-ssh-docker-compose@master
      name: Docker-Stack Remote Deployment
        ssh_host: example.com
        ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        ssh_user: ${{ secrets.EXAMPLE_COM_SSH_USER }}
        docker_compose_prefix: example.com
        docker_compose_down: 'true'