
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Talkback Bot


  • To deploy, create a copy of bot.env.example and name it bot.env, then set all the environment variables inside it.
  • Create session directory
  • Create log directory
  • Run composer update
  • Run php bot.php

Run with Docker Compose

You can run this bot using my MadelineProto image from GHCR:

First, run composer update using the MadelineProto image to update the dependencies:

podman run --rm --volume `pwd`:/app ghcr.io/djnotes/madelineproto-container:v8.0.0-beta50 composer update

Next, fire up the services using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

Powered by [MadelineProto][https://madelineproto.xyz]