A Service for printing of receipts to cash registers or termo printers.
In pos-print
gradle clean shadowJar
will create build/libs/pos-print-all.jar which could be distributed and runned on any machine.
docker run -it clouway/posprint:1.1 --dbHost localhost:27017 --dbName posprint
The current design requires the following JSON messages to be used for printing of simple receipt.
"properties": {
"sourceIp": "",
"operatorId": "1",
"fiscal": true,
"receipt": {
"properties": {
"receiptId": "123",
"currency": "USD",
"prefixLines": [
"Customer: John"
"suffixLines": [
"amount": 1.0,
"receiptItems": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the item",
"example": null
"quantity": 2.0,
"price": 1.0
- Datecs FP705