Binder is a tool for automatic generation of Python bindings for C++11 projects using Pybind11 and Clang LibTooling libraries. That is, Binder, takes a C++ project and compiles it into objects and functions that are all usable within Python. Binder is different from prior tools in that it handles special features new in C++11.
Reference documentation is provided at A PDF version of the manual is available here.
$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir build_llvm && cd build_llvm
$ cmake -G "Ninja" ../binder/llvm-project/llvm \
$ ninja -j3
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build_pybind11 && cd build_pybind11
$ cmake ../binder/pybind11/
$ make -j4
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G "Ninja" ../binder -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$PWD/../build_llvm/" -DCLANG_DIR="$PWD/../build_llvm/lib/cmake/clang" -Dpybind11_DIR="$PWD/../build_pybind11/" -DBINDER_ENABLE_TEST=OFF
$ ninja binder
An example:
$ bin/binder --v --trace --include-pybind11-stl --root-module simple_project --config simple_project.config --prefix output all_headers.hpp -- -DNDEBUG -I. -isystem ${path_to_binder_build}/build/lib/binder/include