
PHP framework CodeIgniter 4 with Docker

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

LAMP stack for CodeIgniter 4 / PHP 8.2

Spesification :

  • Linux Debian 10 (Buster)
  • Apache 2
  • PHP 8.2/Latest
  • Mariadb 10.0/Latest
  • Redis 7.2/latest
  • Code Igniter 4.3.5

Beberapa file yang perlu dikonfigurasi :

Some files need to be configured :

  1. config/php/php.ini
  2. config/pma/config.inc.php
  3. config/ssl/
  4. config/vhosts/default.conf
  5. www/(your exciting application files just put down here)

Menjalankan aplikasi CodeIgniter 4 langsung

Open browser and type the url address : http://localhost:80/ (/var/www/html/)

That's it! & Good luck! by mazjohn.com