
Plugin for Lithium PHP framework for easiest user managemant

Primary LanguagePHP

[project status] (http://stillmaintained.com/djordje/li3_usermanager)

You can find first revision of this plugin under TAG 0.1

User managemant for Lithium PHP framework

li3_usermanager provide:

  • User registration
  • User activation trough link with token
  • Password resets trough link with token
  • Updating user data (email, password, about...)
  • Log in / log out
  • Access control trough AccessController (user auth data inspection and jails/li3_access wrapper)
  • User managemant (allowed for admins)
    • Create users
    • Promotion (group change)
    • Activation / deactivation
    • Editing users (email, password, about...)


Easiest way to install li3_usermanager is trough composer (you can find documentation here)!

You should require li3_usermanager and li3_migrations to migrate database to desired state:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "require": {
        "djordje/li3_usermanager": "dev-master",
        "djordje/li3_migrations": "dev-master"

Then run composer install

Now you have all dependencies for both libraries installed.

Next step is to add libraries to lithium, go to app/config/bootstrap/libraries.php and add next lines:

// li3_migrations

// li3_usermanager

Now open terminal and migrate database (you should have working database connection setup), assume you have li3 in your path, or use full path to lithium/console/li3 instead:

// Create DB tables needed by `li3_access`
li3 migrate up --library=li3_access

// Create DB tables needed by `li3_usermanager` and populate `li3_access` table with needed rules
li3 migrate up --library=li3_usermanager


Go to http://your-url/login and login with username: root, password root. This is default user, and you should change password to something else.

Now yo can go to http://your-url/backend/manage/users creadte, update, delete, promote users.


  • Write unit tests for application
  • Finish ManageUsers controller (Add abillity to edit user)
  • Finish console command
  • Better documentation (add info about library options)
  • Move some logic to models so we can reuse it in console commands
  • Adapt library to use jails/li3_access