Open sourced ICBM code

Primary LanguageJava

##Now Open Source Thanks to calclavia for giving over ICBM to Darkguardsman it is now open source. Only conditions of the open source nature is to give credit, make zero profit including ads, and ask before publicly making mod releases of your version. As well we would love to see your work and fill free to submit pull requests here.

Why open source

ICBM is no longer being supported by the UE team after 1.6.4. This is due to most of the content being merged into a mod called Artillects. In which none of the content will remain the same. Due to this Darkguardsman has released the code allowig anyone to update and release the mod. Following the conditions above.

##Pull Request For 1.6.4 please pull request from now on to the 1.6.4 branch. For all above please pull request to the development branch.

##What is ICBM? ICBM is a Minecraft Mod that introduces intercontinental ballistic missiles to Minecraft. But the fun doesn't end there! This mod also features many different explosives, missiles and machines classified in three different tiers. If strategic warfare, carefully coordinated airstrikes, messing with matter and general destruction are up your alley, then this mod is for you!

##Credits If not listed don't fear we are still compiling the credits list after it got removed ###Developers

  • Calclavia(Creator)
  • Darkguardsman(Owner)
  • Tgame14(Ex-Dev)


  • Archadia
  • Maxwolf
  • gravitythief
  • wildex999
  • Pheenixm
  • Azanor
  • CovertJaguar
  • Jonathan T.
  • Scout37
  • Doppelgangerous

###Asset Creators

  • Archadia
  • wdtod
  • Archelf
  • Comply_cat_Ed
  • DryTaste


  • Francogp (Spanish)
  • Calclavia (Chinese)
  • ObsidianWalker (Italian)
  • Vexatos (German)
  • Adaptivity (Russian)

###Sound Effects

  • Freesound.org

Download Locations


  • Install Minecraft Forge.
  • Install Universal Electricity Core.
  • Install Resonant Engine.
  • Download the mod
  • Add it to the mods folder
  • Run Minecraft.
  • Have fun.