
An Android application that supports P2P chatting/text messaging based on p2p4java. It was started as an example application for that library. Compatible with JXTA 2.7. Developed by the LUCI lab at the University of California, Irvine.

Primary LanguageJava


An Android application that runs a P2P background service. It depends on p2p4android which is a wrapper for p2p4java on Android platforms. It was started as an example application for p2p4android. Compatible with JXTA/JXSE 2.7. Developed by the LUCI lab at the University of California, Irvine.

To use this for development: * import p2p4service into into Eclipse * get the additional libraries required and put them in the /lib folder. There is a README file there with more information. * then you should be compiling the project without errors