
Assembly calculus in pure Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


This is a library for simulating brain computation according to the assembly calculus model proposed by Papadimitriou et. al.. Assembly calculus is built on the assumption that an object is represented in a brain region by a small number of active neurons in that region called an assembly. This is called the assembly hypothesis and is a form of sparse encoding. Papadimitriou et. al. proposed simple biologically plausible mechanisms by which assemblies in different regions can be associated with eachother to create computational assembly circuits. This "calculus" is Turing complete.

While very intriguing, the limititations of assembly calculus are not well understood. The original assembly calculus package was developed in Python and explicit simulations are very slow. This package was developed for faster and more extensible assembly calculus simulations. This package also takes steps towards a simplified API for building brain regions and running simulations.

Installation Instructions

Until the package is added to the Julia registry, install by starting the Julia REPL and typing

] add https://github.com/djpasseyjr/AssemblyCalculus.jl


using Pkg

Quick Start

Once the package is installed, building brain areas and running simulations is simple

using AssemblyCalculus

ba = Brain(num_areas=3, n=10_000, k=100, β=.01, p=.01)

The code above will create three brain areas, each containing n = 10_000 neurons with an assembly size of k = 100 neurons, a hebbian plasticity parameter of β=0.01 and an edge probability of p=0.01.

To run a simulation, create input currents to stimulate the brain areas. The following code creates stimulus current into the second and third brain areas, and runs a simulation

stims = [rand_stim(ba[2]), rand_stim(ba[3])]
assemblies, spikes, convergence = simulate!(stims)

The simulate! function runs until both brain areas converge on an assembly or for 50 iterations (since this is the default for the max_iters keyword argument). Once the simulation is finished, the assemblies variable contains a list of the active assemblies in each simulated area. The spikes variable is a list of arrays that contain which neurons spiked at each timestep of the simulation. The convergence variable is an array with dimensions (number of active areas) x (simulation timesteps) and convergence[i, j] contains the number of neurons in the ith area that were active at timestep j but were not active at timestep j - 1. If this number is zero, then there was no change in the active assembly (and the area has converged).

Important Details

The simulation API considers all regions inhibited unless they receive input current. To disinhibit an area without sending current to the neurons, use zero_stim(region).

To reduce function arguments, many of the types in AssemblyCalculus.jl contain pointers to each other. This can prevent garbage collection when hidden references to an object are not deleted.

Here are the relationships between types

  1. Neuron types point to Neuron objects they synapse onto
  2. Neuron types point to BrainArea objects that house Neuron objects onto which they synapse.
  3. BrainArea types point to all Neuron objects they house
  4. Stimulus types point to the BrainArea objects that they stimulate
  5. Assembly types point to the BrainArea where they reside
  6. Assembly types point to their parent Stimulus and Assembly objects
  7. Brain types point to all BrainArea types they house.

In short, be sure to delete all objects related to AssemblyCalculus.jl types you wish to discard or they may inadvertently remain in memory.