
Model information

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to commit your model eye_model.hd5 and synsets.pkl and the Dataset that you used. I would like to reproduce what you have done for a project.

Many thanks

The trained models that I generated for this project were trained on images of me exclusively, and they only worked well on me. Therefore, if you're looking to replicate this, I don't think the trained models will be that useful, but I can provide them anyway if you with.

If you really want to do this, your best bet is probably using the included data-collection code to generate a dataset from images of yourself. I can give more detailed instructions on that if need be.

Alternatively, you might want to check out my newer gaze estimation project, which contains much more general models. This is for tracking gaze on mobile devices, however.


thanks for the quick answer. I would be glad if you could give me more information about how to use data-collection code. I'm might be able to ask some people in my school to gather more images!

