
Elasticsearch Bulk API bindings using the Java REST client

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Elasticsearch Bulk Operator (REST) Build Status Maven Central Documentation

This repo contains an implementation of something similar to the BulkProcessor included in Elasticsearch 2.x. The intent is to make it easier to carry out bulk actions against Elasticsearch using just the REST client which doesn't yet include an easy way to carry out _bulk requests.

This implementation has been in use in production at scale (roughly 2000 documents per second) for approximately 6 months without issue at the time of writing (September 2017). If you do find any issues, please file an issue (or a PR!) and I'll try to fix it up as soon as possible.


Just add the dependency as usual (you might have to check for the latest version, rather than what's shown below):



The interface is deliberately small; you will only interact with a couple of classes. A BulkOperator will carry out requests periodically, based on rules you provide during construction (see the docs for info on what you can set). An operator will queue many BulkAction instances into a single bulk request to Elasticsearch.

import io.whitfin.elasticsearch.bulk.BulkAction;
import io.whitfin.elasticsearch.bulk.BulkOperation;
import io.whitfin.elasticsearch.bulk.BulkOperator;
import io.whitfin.elasticsearch.bulk.lifecycle.RequeueLifecycle;
import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient;
public class BulkExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create your ES REST client somehow
        RestClient restClient = createRestClient();
        // create an operator to flush each minute
        BulkOperator operator = BulkOperator
                   .lifecycle(new RequeueLifecycle())
        // create an index action (or whatever)
        BulkAction action = BulkAction
        // queue it up!

For any other functionality, please see the documentation or the code itself.

Flush Options

There are several options which can be applied to an operator to control how flushing occurs;

  1. You can define maxActions on an operator to provide a limit on the buffer stored internally before flushing.
  2. You can define interval on an operator to provide a schedule (in millis) on which to flush.
  3. You can opt (default) to manually flush by calling flush() on an operator.
  4. You can do any of the above in any combination to work with multiple flush triggers.


You can attach BulkLifecycle instances to your operator to hook into various stages of the operator lifecycle. There are currently only two implementations shipped; NoopImplementation (which does nothing) and RequeueLifecycle which will add failed requests back to the operator (for version conflicts, etc). You can easily create your own by using the interface class and registering it on your operator:

public class CustomLifecycle implements BulkLifecycle {

    public void beforeBulk(long executionId, BulkOperator operator, BulkOperation bulkOperation) {
        // executed before the batch is sent

    public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkOperator operator, BulkOperation bulkOperation, Response response) {
        // executed after a success batch request

    public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkOperator operator, BulkOperation bulkOperation, Throwable failure) {
        // executed after a failed batch request