
My dotfiles, managed with GNU stow

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My dotfiles, managed with GNU stow

alacritty     (s) ➔ terminal emulator config
bin           (s) ➔ executable scripts
cava          (s) ➔ Console-based Audio Visualizer for ALSA (MPD and Pulseaudio)
compton       (s) ➔ display compositor
cron              ➔ schedule scripts
ctags         (s) ➔ source code indexer
dunst         (s) ➔ notification config and related icons
firefox           ➔ browser settings
git           (s) ➔ source control config and aliases
gtk           (s) ➔ custom css for modifying gtk apps
lead          (s) ➔ hot corners
lemonbar-font (s) ➔ custom fontello.com font for lemonbar
lemonbar          ➔ lemon scented status bars
linters       (s) ➔ source code style checkers
mpd           (s) ➔ music server config
ncmpcpp       (s) ➔ music player config
neofetch      (s) ➔ system info script config
npm           (s) ➔ node package manager config
oblogout          ➔ openbox logout
omzsh             ➔ zsh configuration that shouldn't be symlinked
openbox       (s) ➔ window manager configuration
ranger        (s) ➔ file manager config
redshift      (s) ➔ eye-saving colour temperature adjuster
refind            ➔ backup of my rEFInd config
rofi-pass     (s) ➔ rofi frontend for pass by carnager
rofi          (s) ➔ fuzzy launcher
stylish           ➔ custom css for websites
sxhkd         (s) ➔ keybindings
tern          (s) ➔ javascript autocomplete
tint2         (s) ➔ panel
tmux          (s) ➔ terminal multiplexer
vim           (s) ➔ terminal text editor
wpgtk         (s) ➔ wpgtk templates
X             (s) ➔ display server
zathura       (s) ➔ document viewer config
zsh           (s) ➔ shell


  1. Clone the repo to ~/.dotfiles.
  2. Run stow (gnu stow) on all directories marked with (s).
  3. Stow oblogout relative to / (sudo stow -t / oblogout).
  4. Create a hard link (ln not ln -s) from firefox/user{Chrome,Content}.css to ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/chrome/user{Chrome,Content}.css (about:profiles to see profile id)
  5. Add all files in cron to your crontab by running crontab -e. Set the desired schedule. For more information, see Cron - ArchWiki.
  6. Update monitor ids in lead.
  7. Create the file omzsh/secret.sh and populate it with the following:
  8. Copy refind.conf to your refind directory (/boot/EFI/BOOT/) in my case.


scrot 15