- 0
Failing tests
#14 opened by soispha - 0
Cannot install on a box without gcc - due to psycopg2
#13 opened by jn0 - 5
Temporary database and pytest
#11 opened by klnrdknt - 1
- 0
SQLAlchemy 1.4.0 makes URL object immutable
#10 opened by actuchicks - 1
SSL connect_args breaks with `S`
#6 opened by rockwotj - 0
SSL connect_args breaks with `S
#5 opened by rockwotj - 3
- 0
- 1
Doesn't work on windows due to `pwd`
#2 opened by djrobstep - 2
Cannot connect to MySQL database without sqlbag trying to load postgres drivers.
#1 opened by neonstreams