
A maintained Discord Crypto Wallet with multiple users and 2FA!

Primary LanguagePython

Discord-Crypto-wallet (OBSELETE, UNSECURE)

Pros and cons:

Feature Exists
Multiple users
JSON RPC error handling
Multiple wallets per users

Maintaning the bot:

  1. If you get a undefined error report from a user or if you see one in the terminal please report it to me, and I'll push a fix!
  2. Update the bot regularly!
  3. Please post suggestions, bug fixes, bug reports and etc in issues!

Testing the bot for yourself:
I have currently set it up to work with Optical Bitcoin [oBTC], you may test it out in my discord server or by inviting it


Special thanks to:
@nooby-xviii for helping me with vars lol
treyzania from cryptodevs discord for helping me out with RPC

Other things:

The discord token I put in is invalid

ID is being turned into MD5 not because of security

The 2FA QR code and secret are no longer valid