
Python library for madzcoin

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


madzpy is a rpc and api wrapper.

First, install it:

pip3 install madzpy

All commands interfacing with the node need to use an Instance of madz()

To create a new instance, run:

import madzpy

madz = madzpy.madz()

Here are some commands you can use:

#                      Private key               From            To            Amount
print(madz.transaction("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "0x4ba...b313", "0xbd...164", 1))
# returns False 

#                  Address

#                     Address

Better docs soon!

If you face any issues, file a issue on Github.

If you want to support the developer, send, Madz, BNB, MATIC or ETH to the following address: 0xAFDfedC5311218B636EEbe3837C489c3BeAcFfB4

This code is released under MIT License.