
Primary LanguageJavaScript



============ Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp Fullstack Web Development Homework 10

Our Team

  • Daniel Seoh

What is this?

Liri is a command line node application that stands for Language interpretation and recognition interface. Through the command line you can type in 4 commands:

  1. my-tweets
  2. movie-this
  3. spotify-this-song
  4. do-what-it-days

Project Sketches

APIs, New Tech & Some Stuff We Already Know...

This project will use the following:

  • Node to create a command line application
  • NPM to download small api libraries
  • Spotify API to get track information
  • Twitter API to retrieve tweets
  • request API to access the OMDB

Who is doing what?

Daniel Seoh is handling:

  • Everything

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