Getting Started

This is implemented in TypeScript, so to run this requires TypeScript. Install using npm with:

npm install --production

To compile to JavaScript, run npm build

To run all example cases sequentially, both finding faces and then finding adjacent faces for each found face, run:

npm run test

Polygon Parser

To parse a list of vertices and edges use any of the following:

JSON file

npm run polygonParser <path-to-json>.json

The JSON file must have the following schema:

    "vertices": [[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 2]]    // [X, Y]
    "edges": [[0, 1], [1, 2]]               // [startVertexIndex, endVertexIndex]

Example Cases. There are 7 example cases to run. You can pass a number 1-7 or exampleCase1-7 to run the example case

npm run polygonParser 6
npm run polygonParser exampleCase4

Find Adjacent Faces

To parse the output of polygonParser and a face ID* and receive the faces adjacent to faceID, use any of the following:

NOTE: Face IDs are capital letters (A, B, C ... YY, ZZ)

JSON file

npm run findAdjacentFaces <path-to-json>.json <faceID>

The JSON file must have the following schema:

    "vertices": [{ "index": 0, "X": 0, "Y: 0 }, ...]
    "edges": [{ "id": "0_1", "start": 0, "end: 1 }, ...]
    "faces": [{ "id": "A", "points": [0, 1, 2] }, ...]

Example Cases. There are 7 example cases to run. You can pass a number 1-7 or exampleCase1-7 to run the example case

npm run polygonParser 6 "B"
npm run polygonParser exampleCase4 "D"

Project Structure

/data                           # Example cases / tests
| - /adjacentFaceTests
    | - exampleCase.json
    | - ...
| - /polygonParsertests
    | - index.ts
    | - ...
/src                            # Source-code for classes, algorithms, and utilities
    | - ...
index.html                      # HTML page to show results of polygonParser
main.ts                         # The main content of the web-based implementation
tsconfig.json                   # TypeScript project config for web-based implementation
tsconfig.node.json              # TypeScript project config for CLI based implementation